
Jono Boult leads Bay of Plenty to eight consecutive cricket victories

Sports correspondent & historian with Sideline Sid Casual observers of local sports in New Zealand often miss out on significant news due to the shutdown of local sports coverage in many daily newspapers, which Covid-19... Read More

The pull and power of the playground

Roger Rabbits with Jim Bunny It was one of those deliciously adorable moments. A wee squirt held aloft by Dad, flapping and shrieking as she eyeballed the cat atop a pole on the Tauranga Waterfront. Not just any cat... Read More

The Jazz Festival countdown is on!

Music Plus with Winston Watusi Here we are in February and I haven't mentioned this year's Port of Tauranga 62nd Jazz Festival once yet. Let's rectify that ... But first, allow me to use the column... Read More

Reflecting on 9/11: A trip from Brisbane’s Goodwill Games to chaos

Sports correspondent & historian with Sideline Sid Last week's Sideline Sid contribution ended when a North Queensland tropical storm disrupted the cruise he and his long-suffering wife were on. At the top of our... Read More

The scourge of nasal hair

Roger Rabbits with Jim Bunny It was one tiny innocuous hair. Just 2 or 3 millimetres long. It wasn't ‘WHAT' that set her off, but ‘WHERE'. 'That's annoying me,” she said. And with all the precision... Read More

Farewell Shirley, hello ‘Silence’

Music Plus with Winston Watusi Objectively speaking, the local music scene has had a rotten year. I've been around a bit; I've studied history's great philosophers. I learned about survival of the... Read More

Making those connections stronger

Lobbying For Good with Erika Harvey February is often seen as the month of connection, so it's the perfect time to think about how we connect with each other as a community. Last year showed us the power of people coming... Read More

How to fix breakouts

Skin Secrets with Sue Dewes from Tranquillo Beauty There's nothing worse than going to bed with a flawless complexion and waking up to a face dotted with blemishes. So here's some derm-approved dos and don'ts to prevent... Read More

Curcumin from turmeric – Part 2

Abundant Life with John Arts | There are many diseases but few causes. Unnecessary inflammation and cell damage from free radicals are central to the formation of most chronic diseases. For example,... Read More

Looking for rainbows

Roger Rabbits with Jim Bunny Why do we worry the small things? Why do we get our voluminous Y-fronts in a such a twist? They can't be unsnarled. Then we won't let go; and they continue to chafe our most delicate and sensitive... Read More

February to arrive with a bang!

Music Plus with Winston Watusi Damn. Turn your back for a minute and a month disappears: there goes January. That's the way of the world. Without further ado let us turn to February's music, or at... Read More

Kiwi boxer Kahukura Bentson

Sports correspondent & historian with Sideline Sid Last week I told the tale of Harry Johns who won the Jameson Belt in 1929 at just eighteen years of age. This got me thinking about the Kiwi boxer who has made the... Read More