We continue the occasional series wherein Winston expounds on things currently making him happy. In convenient soundbite-sized portions.
And once again he's featuring two of his favourite food groups: gigs and movies. Yep. In a week that encompasses new films, old Hollywood, funny people making serious music and serious people making funny music, Winston is very happy.
189) Movie #1 – ‘Hail Caesar!' The release of the latest Coen brothers film on blu-ray and DVD got me to thinking. There are very few video shops left. (Yes, I still think it's sad.) So when a movie like the Coen brothers' ‘Hail Caesar!' is released, a film that wasn't especially successful at the box office but obviously has an audience waiting for it (it is the Coen brothers after all), how do people even hear about its release without video shops?
How do you watch a copy in blu-ray quality? Can you find or watch the extras?
I'm genuinely curious about these questions: how are you watching films? Perhaps someone wise and coherent could email me. But the main thing is the film is available now and is rather wonderful in an eccentric way. Set in studio-era Hollywood its very loose story involves movie star George Clooney being kidnapped but is really an excuse for some hilariously eclectic dialogue and a whole bunch of Hollywood set-pieces that sit nicely between affectionate homage and parody.
Best not to expect a proper plot but there's a bunch of off-kilter pleasure in watching the likes of Ralph Feinnes, Scarlett Johansson, Tatum Channing, Josh Brolin and other A-listers recreating classic Hollywood.
190) Gig #1 – The Symphonia, free! Designed particularly to entertain and educate young children, the Bay of Plenty Symphonia will be playing a free hour-long concert at Otumoetai College on Sunday, September 4. The special event features the conducting 'skills” of crazy acrobatic entertainer Mr Wizowski. The orchestra will boldly try to play a selection of classics, from the ‘William Tell Overture' to bits of Beethoven and Ravel (Bolero of course) under his generally chaotic direction. The concert promises surprises, special effects, a real conductor from time to time, and a whole bunch of audience participation. Sounds like a good way to introduce the small and easily bored to the joys of orchestral music. Kicking off 2.30pm. 191) Movie #2 – Final days of the Film Festival! There's another week to run in the New Zealand Film Festival at Rialto and three films at the top of my list have still to show. First one up, this weekend – on September 3 and 5 – is from the brilliant documentarian Barbara Kopple, called ‘Miss Sharon Jones!', an engrossing look at the singer for R&B sensations The Dap-Kings. It follows Jones' battle with cancer and return to performing and, best of all, has a pile of great music.
Then, at the end of next week – on September 8-10 – there are showings of Spanish director Pedro Almodovar's ‘Julieta', based on three short stories by Alice Munro.
Almodovar has developed into such a consummate storyteller (he was always a notable visual stylist) that I try and see everything of his. Then there's a new psycho-sexual French thriller called ‘Elle'. Reasons to see it: it's directed by enfant terrible Paul Verhoeven (‘Basic Instinct', ‘Robocop'); it stars the luminously wonderful Isabelle Huppert; it won the International Cinephile Award at Cannes this year. Sessions are on September 9-11. 192) Gig #2 – The Big Muffin Serious Band! Hats off to The Entertainers Club for continuing to find interesting and unusual acts. Coming next Sunday, September 11, promising ukulele-based musical mayhem is this very silly, nay legendary, band.
Leading McGillicuddy, actor, media prankster and former politician Graeme Cairns, aka The Laird McGillicuddy, will be joined by other founder members Jim Fulton (ukulele and more) and Baz Galbgaith (bass, percussion) as well as new arrival, artist, comedian, interpretive dancer and uke-playing bass singer James Sutherland. The band is so generally funny and outlandish as to defy sensible description. Look online, put it on your calendar and enjoy! Things kick off at the Tauranga Citizens Club at 5pm. Tickets are $15 on the door.
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