Despite my almost non-existent social media presence, I get a few emails.
The single most common enquiry, if I look back, is from musicians new to the area looking for a place to play and perhaps meet some local musos.
Some are professionals just arrived in town, some may not have played in bands for years but want to start again; some are more into it for the music, some for the social activity.
And there are actually a lot of options, which can vary hugely. Firstly there are open mic nights, which is pretty much what it says. There's a PA set up and anyone can perform. Usually there will be someone running things who makes sure people have a sensible limit of songs, and perhaps provides some musical accompaniment.
This is pretty similar to what people call 'Blackboard concerts”.
At those there is a list you put your name on (the 'blackboard”), and people do that alone or in groups then perform their allotted number of songs.
Then there are jam sessions, where there is often a house band. People can either jam with that band, with other musicians they meet on the night, or in pre-arranged groups, sometimes rehearsed in advance.
Obviously this latter option isn't exactly a jam session, but it provides an outlet for bands and musicians who might be new to it or who haven't enough material for a full gig but want to try out stuff live.
This week I'm going to give y'all a rundown on what's out there. I will no doubt miss several things so my apologies – if I skip your bar or session it's not personal. Get in touch and I'll remedy it in an eventual part two.
Blues and jazz
First up, the two big 'themed” jam sessions. At Drivers Bar on 11th Avenue there is a monthly blues jam every second Wednesday. There is a house band led by bassist David Porter and the nights often pack out and are very good.
Some bands (B-Side Band etc) present short sets while other musicians jam in spontaneous combos.
Then there's the jazz jam at The Mount Social Club on the last Wednesday of each month. Again, it is very popular and very high-quality.
Many top players attend from the Tauranga Jazz Society, and the music is wonderful.
There are also infrequent band jams at the Omokoroa Boat Club, every couple of months I think. The club would know.
Okay. On to weekly open mic nights and I would have been unable to assemble this list without the advice of Jo Jones, one of the town's many indefatigable open-mic-night-performers.
On Tuesday there's an open mic at Papamoa's Pap House from 7.30-9pm, hosted by Dave Henderson of the Mount's Music Planet. There's also an open mic at the Mount Brewing Company, which starts at 9.30pm and runs until around 1am.
Tuesday's also the night for the Tauranga Acoustic Music Club (TAMC). They rendezvous at the RSA with the following schedule:
The first and third Tuesday at 7:30pm are jam nights in the members bar, open to the public; the second and fourth Tuesday are 'group amplified blackboard sessions” at 7:30pm in The Hinton Room where there is PA set up.
Three or four songs is the limit per group.
Wednesdays the 'everybody welcome” music sessions continue at the Matua Pub. These started as country nights, but are now broader and attract quite a crowd. Dave Henderson (again) and fellow Music Planeter Trevor Braunius host and back performers.
And on Thursday there's another late-ish one, this time at the Mount Social Club, kicking off at 9pm.
On the monthly calendar, there's an open mic at The Wharf (24 Wharf St), usually the last Saturday of the month, while on the first Saturday Shona and Brin Dellow host one at Greers Gastro Bar in Greerton, from 6pm.
And there's one more – on the third Thursday of the month Janne Izett and Stephen Calvert host an open mic at Vaudeville/the Pizza Library on Mount Maunganui's Rata Street, from 7-10pm.
Have at it, and lemme know what I missed!
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