ATTN: Tauranga Keyboard Warriors

Step away from the digital device that is controlling your brain and learn to think for yourself for once.

Far too many people are putting stock in what they read on Facebook these days, and it is bloody scary.

Opinions are like a***h***s - everyone has one, but not everyone needs to see or hear it.

People are quick to take to social media and cry and moan about how unfairly they are being treated. But when their fellow man needs something, people are quick to judge and say 'nope, not my problem”.

I implore everyone in this city, and whoever reads this, to put down the phone, step away from the laptop, computer, iPad or any other digital device, and go outside and breathe.

Take five from the narrow mindedness of social media and look up. See the stars, the clouds or the sun. There is a lot of beauty in the world if people just truly looked.

Demali Wilson, Brookfield.


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