To take away our vote is treachery and high treason. It's beyond despicable. People gave their lives for this inalienable right.
There is no reasoning that can ever be good enough to justify this.
Kate Sheppard, immortalised on our $10 Note, will be turning in her grave. As will all the Kiwi soldiers who laid down their lives for our democratic freedom!
In 1215 King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta upon which English law and subsequently New Zealand law became based. The beginnings of ‘Power to the People'.
Here we have the 'thin end of the wedge” hammered home! In Tauranga Moana, a ‘coach and horses' have been driven through every democratic law and principal upon which our society is founded. This is not us...
T Rutter, Mount Manganui.
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