Why not angle parking?

Carparking is an ongoing problem in Tauranga, more so if you don't live on a bus route. With losing carparks on Cameron Rd and a deadline not to park on the grass verges. Why doesn't the council consider building angle parking in The Avenues between Cameron Rd and Takitimu Drive? There is room for angle parking on both sides of the road in 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Avenues.

If you haven't got offstreet parking on Cameron Rd your business will not survive without customers or workers. Cars will be necessary in the future even if the Government and council don't think so. The city is still being allowed to expand by subdividing more farm land and making longer commutes. Sport and after-school activities and weekend recreation all require cars.

V Brazier, The Avenues.

***TCC responds: Council does undertake studies to look at options such as angle parking in side roads, to ensure that we can maintain an appropriate number of on-street carparks where needed. Under the grass berms are a significant number of services (water supply, telecommunications lines, electricity lines, sewer and stormwater connections and stormwater collection in places) that are often not that deep.
Parking on the berms can damage these services through compaction of the soil. In addition, there has been significant damage to berms with vehicles causing ruts and spreading the mud and soil onto the road. This is part of the reason the ban has been implemented in the city centre and Avenues area, as part of the parking management plan.


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