Free rainwater harvesting workshops on offer

Tauranga City Council is offering free workshops on the benefits of harvesting rainwater and how to choose a suitable rainwater tank for your needs. Supplied photo.

Rain is something Kiwis unfortunately know plenty about this year. Now, Tauranga City Council is giving people a free opportunity to learn how to harvest some of that rain for use around the home.

Four free workshops are on offer during May and June, giving Tauranga residents the opportunity to learn about the benefits of harvesting rainwater and how to choose a suitable rainwater tank to meet their needs.

The free workshops are part of Council's Tauranga Water Conservation Project which aims to empower each of us to think differently about water use and be more mindful around how we use our share of the city's water supply.

Water services manager Peter Bahrs says over the past five years we have experienced record dry weather and more recently, unprecedented wet weather.

These changing climatic conditions can put pressure on Tauranga's water supply.

'In Tauranga our water is drawn from three spring-fed streams. During periods of hot, dry weather the aquifers that supply our streams do not recharge at the same rate that we are taking water.

'During heavy rain events demand for water eases, however it brings challenges in our ability to treat water due to the extra sediment stirred up. Whatever the weather, good water conservation practices are needed.”

Collecting rainwater gives people access to an alternative water source and can help reduce the demand on our drinking water supply network.

It can also provide a great source for outdoor water use such as gardening, irrigation or washing your car.

Rainwater tanks also reduce the amount of stormwater runoff from surfaces such as roofs, roads and car parks that drain into our urban waterways, says Peter.

'By using a rainwater tank to collect water, you can save money on your water bill, reduce demand on the city's water supply and have an alternate water supply during water shortages.

'Small changes in water use can make a big difference in maintaining a sustainable water supply to the city now, and into the future. We need to make every drop count.”

The free rainwater harvesting workshops will be held on:

  • Thursday 18 May, 6.30pm-8.30pm
  • Saturday 20 May, 1pm-3pm
  • Wednesday 7 June, 6pm-8pm
  • Sunday 11 June, 12pm-2pm.

All workshops will be held at Envirohub Bay of Plenty, 31b Glasgow Street, Tauranga and there is a limit of 20 people per workshop.

First in, first served. To book, visit

Other initiatives under the Tauranga Water Conservation project include a free home water conservation audit and a free low-flow shower head upgrade (terms and conditions apply).

Businesses wanting to save water and reduce their water and power bills can also apply for a free shorter shower kit.


Here's an idea!!

Posted on 05-05-2023 12:12 | By The Professor

How about TCC attend their own workshop and learn how to harvest and more importantly, how to store rain water? We have had almost a years' worth of rain so far this year but you can bet your life on the fact that IF we have a dry summer, TCC will plonk water restrictions on us all because there is insufficient water to go around all the extra people piling into our region. TCC - look in your own backyard first before you try to educate the rest of us.


Posted on 05-05-2023 17:58 | By Davy

Council forgot to tell people, with 3 waters you will be charged for water of your roof just like all farmers in NZ

Spot On By The Professor

Posted on 06-05-2023 07:26 | By Thats Nice

I've been saying exactly the same thing for years, why aren't the Council collecting the water? So, as a result water restrictions mean 0 to me.

Really Davy?

Posted on 06-05-2023 07:28 | By Thats Nice

The article says free water!! Is it a case of "yeah right"?


Posted on 06-05-2023 13:27 | By Kancho

Council want us to store water as they don't. I have considered it but the cost of tanks, plumbing and pumps makes it out of the question. If council gave a substantial contribution by reducing rates on whoever put in a system than I would be interested. As it stands I pay a lot of money to TCC to provide infrastructure and amenities that they often do badly. Yet they talk of money for a stadium !!

Water restrictions

Posted on 06-05-2023 15:50 | By Kancho

As far as I know Professor we need not wait for summer restrictions of water as they are permanent and council never lift them. So it becomes par for the course and therefore ignored . Seems council have money for lots of nice to haves or not even necessary but not for the basics of life. Rates will go up again and water charges especially if three waters theft goes ahead

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