National's Dana Kirkpatrick leads East Coast

National Party candidate Dana Kirkpatrick. Photo: Supplied.

National Party candidate Dana Kirkpatrick is leading in election race for the East Coast seat with 13,015 votes.

With 77.5 per cent of the vote counted, or 29.416 votes, Dana has a current margin of 2,972, with second candidate Labour’s Tamati Coffey on 10,043 votes.

The National Party is leading with 38.52 per cent of the party vote, and the Labour Party has 28.63 per cent of the party vote.

Labour party candidate Tamati Coffey in Gisborne on election night. Photo: Supplied.

Experienced Gisborne-based executive and communications professional Dana Kirkpatrick says she has seen "firsthand the strength and resilience of people on the East Coast.

"“I’ve spent the time since we were struck by Cyclone Gabrielle supporting our communities. Advocating for our region’s recovery remains my first priority and my thoughts are with everyone across the East Coast and Hawke’s Bay who are still coming to grips with what they’ve lost," says Dana.

“People on the East Coast are already struggling with a cost-of-living crisis, with inflation running wild, mortgage repayments going through the roof and the cost of filling up the shopping trolley climbing higher and higher. I’m standing for National because our people deserve a different approach, especially at a time like this."




CARACAS, Monaco   46


COFFEY, Tamati    10043

Labour Party   8409

DICKSON, Gordon John   37


FLAVELL, Fallyn   744

Te Pāti Māori   552

HOWE, Michael   1404

ACT New Zealand   2659

KIRKPATRICK, Dana   13015

National Party   11312

PACKER, Leighton   221


RICHARDS, Don   61


ROBINSON, Chris   454

DemocracyNZ   141

SINCLAIR, Craig   1842

New Zealand First Party   2862

WALKER, Jordan   1164

Green Party   2007


Animal Justice Party    36


Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party   90


Freedoms NZ   144


Leighton Baker Party   82


New Conservatives   39


New Nation Party   24


New Zealand Loyal   345


NewZeal   182


The Opportunities Party (TOP)   289


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