Mongols leader lights fire in prison cell

Mongols national president Jim David Thacker was sentenced in Auckland District Court on Wednesday. Photo: Stuff.

The national president of the Mongols Motorcycle Club has been sentenced to seven months jail after he lit a fire in his prison cell as a form of protest.

Jim David Thacker, 33, was sentenced in the Auckland District Court on Wednesday, with the extra months to be served concurrently on top of his already long prison spell.

In August, Thacker was jailed for 22 years and four months when he appeared in the High Court in Hamilton.

The gang leader was jailed on 53 charges including possession of methamphetamine for supply, supplying methamphetamine, possession of prohibited firearms, discharging firearms with reckless disregard, money laundering, and participation in an organised criminal group.

On Wednesday, Thacker pleaded guilty to one charge of arson after lighting a fire on the night of April 22, 2021.

The gang leader was alone in his cell around 9:30pm, when he started the fire in the corner of the room, according to Judge Simon Lance.

Prison officers noticed the smell and saw the smoke through an observation point, he said.

A fire extinguisher was used, and the incident was over fairly quickly.

When deciding on the length of sentence, Judge Lance took into consideration the guilty plea, the mental health impact caused by solitary imprisonment and the fact that the fire was started more as a way of protest than ‘a desire to hurt anybody or cause significant property damage’.

“To me, this seemed pretty low end.”

The fire caused minimal damage, but Lance recognised the Crown’s argument that there was still a risk that the fire could have spread and damaged neighbouring cells, which were occupied.

There was a large police presence at the sentencing on Wednesday, with several officers outside the courtroom and many inside for ‘security purposes’.

Thacker was deported to New Zealand from Australia - where he had lived since he was 4-years-old in August 2018, under the controversial “501” legislation.

He had come to the attention of Australian police through, among other things, a peripheral role in the notorious 2013 gang riot in Broadbeach on the Gold Coast.

He had previously told the court his mental health was suffering and that he wanted more phone calls with family.

That request was refused.



Let the punishment ....

Posted on 19-10-2023 14:01 | By Happyday

I would suggest that as he burned the mattress, he should be left in the cell with that mattress to lay on for the next 22 years of his sentence. He won't be too eager to go back to prison again after he gets out. Let the punishment fit the crime.

I can see his point.

Posted on 19-10-2023 14:25 | By morepork

What difference does a few more months make on a 22 year sentence? He has nothing to lose. Now, if he were confined to a dank, dark, dismal dungeon, with nothing flammable except wet stone walls, he probably wouldn't be able to endanger the whole establishment. This raises a question about how we deal with serious offenders who get long sentences. NZ taxpayers will pay $130,000 + per year, to accommodate such people in "civilized" accommodation. We do this because we are a decent society and we have the hope that treating miscreants decently may help to rehabilitate them. But what about when it doesn't, and they just see weakness and try to set fire to the place? Maybe we need different levels of prison that inmates can earn their way up through by better behaviour, and attitude adjustment? "Nothing to lose" cannot work for anybody.

He caused it...

Posted on 19-10-2023 14:52 | By fair game

should have left him in there to look after it. Save the taxpayers a lot of money.


Posted on 20-10-2023 08:11 | By Yadick

Seven months for arson. That is absolutely pathetic.
He risked the lives of every person in at least that block, he risked setting off the sprinklers thereby destroying everything with water including Gaurdroom computers etc. We've already lost a massive part of Waikeria prison. Utterly destroyed as fire ravaged it to the ground and the Judge takes the attitude it was very minor and at the low end of offending. This gang member has a rap sheet as long as SH1. No wonder gangs are so out of control when there are no consequences for their criminal actions. A 7 month sentence will be reduced to just 3.5 months or 14 weeks - for arson with a potential massive loss of life and hard earned ratepayers money. PATHETIC, ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC.

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