Arrests made following Ōpōtiki shooting

Police say they are dedicated to disrupting gang behaviour in the Bay of Plenty.

Police have made two arrests in relation to a shooting where a 20-year-old woman was seriously injured in Ōpōtiki.

“These arrests are significant and a testament to the effective policing in the Ōpōtiki area which saw seven properties and 34 vehicles searched under warrants invoked by the Criminal Activity Intervention Legislation (CAIL) Act 2023,” Area Commander Inspector Nicky Cooney says.

Police initially received multiple calls of shots being fired at cars and houses around Ōpōtiki on Saturday, October 21, linked to ongoing tensions between Black Power and Mongrel Mob in the area.

“To date, Police have located and seized over $27,000 in cash, two firearms, 10 offensive weapons, ammunition, drugs - including cannabis, LSD and meth - and impounded two vehicles.”

Police are dedicated to disrupting behaviour that threatens and intimidates the community.

“We live in a beautiful place and have a tight knit community.

“It is not acceptable for this conflict to jeopardise other people’s safety.”

Eleven people have been arrested, two summonsed, three warned and two referred to Youth Aid.

“We want to remind everyone that we are committed to ensuring the safety of the community.

“Police will remain visible in the community and ready to respond to instances where individuals who consider themselves above the law, put others in harm’s way.”

Individuals connected to gangs and organised crime can expect to be targeted for any criminal offending and put before the court.

The two men arrested in relation to the shooting, both aged 28, are charged with doing a dangerous act with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

They are due to appear in Ōpōtiki District Court on November 8 and 16 .

“We continue to ask that anyone with knowledge of a person illegally possessing firearms and weapons to contact Police anonymously via Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.”

That information will be acted upon immediately by Police in the community.

1 comment


Posted on 04-11-2023 12:54 | By Yadick

Excellent work. Keep the pressure on these scumbags and ramp it up.
Unfortunately a part of our society but not wanted.

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