Mount assault: Woman beaten “till passed out”

Police at the scene of the alleged assault in Mount Maunganui. Photo Supplied.

A 42-year-old man is due to appear in court for allegedly assaulting a woman in Tauranga.

A police spokesperson has confirmed with SunLive that a man is facing a charge of wounding with intent and is due to appear in Tauranga District Court on November 30.

The charges stem from an alleged incident in Mount Maunganui on November 9.

According to a witness, a man was allegedly repeatedly “beating the woman and pulled her over on the street at around 1am”.

“We were working at that time when we started hearing someone yelling on the street, then we saw how the man beat this woman till she passed out.

“She was lying on the grass and he kept yelling and pulling her.”

No other details are available as the matter is now before the courts.


Zero Tolerance

Posted on 15-11-2023 12:57 | By oceans

There should be ZERO TOLERANCE for this type of assault. The man instigating this cowardly attack on a WOMEN should spend time in jail and attend a compulsory class on anger management and violence against women.

Yep quite happy for

Posted on 16-11-2023 06:31 | By Bruja

the incoming government to build lots of prisons. Lock these scum up. Basic diet. No cellphone. No internet. TV one hour per day. One book per week. Physical work, 8 hours a day, 6 days per week. One phone call per month. One visitor per month. Judges to dispose of all their booklets of wet bus tickets. Let's get it done! Murderers, rapists, drug pushers, violence. Minimum 20 years, no parole. No excuses. No 'cultural reports'. Nada.


Posted on 16-11-2023 13:09 | By morepork

I agree 100%. We need to get the message out that the cult of bash is unacceptable on our kids and our families and violence, generally, is a stupid way to resolve issues. We start by ZERO TOLERANCE on violence against women, as you say.

Wake up

Posted on 19-11-2023 15:30 | By Medusa

Violence is unacceptable in any circumstances but besides just incarcerating them more courses should be made available to them otherwise they come out to do it again usually these individuals come from backgrounds where no family structure has been instilled & prison just makes it worse in some circumstances . No matter what laws are bought in babies are still dying people being murdered shootings it's like life means nothing which is sad . With so much conflict & uncertainty going on in the world it's time for more people to show love & courtesy towards each other


Posted on 20-11-2023 13:22 | By morepork

There are circumstances where violence IS acceptable, but it must always be a last resort. (Defending the nation, our homes, communities, friends and families from tyrannical aggression that is bent on looting, pillaging, or suppression, and not capable or willing to sit across a table - a growing trend in today's world.) But, amongst ourselves we should always be able to find better solutions than the cult of the bash. The excuse provided by "poor background" becomes tired when you are a victim. I grew up in a State House in Lower Hutt ("poor background"), but I don't go around mugging people, or burglarizing their homes. It is, at best, just a factor, not an excuse. Most of us would endorse your last sentence and it may well be that the Human capability to love is the one thing that can save us.

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