Homicide investigation in Whakatāne

File photo/SunLive.

Police are continuing to investigate after the death of a man in Whakatāne on Sunday night. Initial indications suggest there was a gang-related disorder incident before the man died. "We are committed to establishing what has occurred and locating those responsible for his death," says Detective Inspector Lew Warner. Police would like to speak to anyone who was in the Ruatoki area and saw or heard anything suspicious between 9 and 9.45pm. "We would also like to hear from anyone with dashcam footage in the area at the time." Police have obtained a Gang Conflict Warrant under the Search and Surveillance Act and will not be tolerating any retaliatory gang-behaviour. Detective Inspector Lew Warner says Police will be maintaining a highly visible presence in the area, with extra staff arriving from other districts to support the investigation.  A forensic post-mortem is due to take place today, Tuesday December 12. Anyone who has information that may help is asked to please contact Police on 105, either by phone or https://www.police.govt.nz/use-105 and using 'Update Report', referencing file number 231211/5404. Alternatively, information can be passed to Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111 or www.crimestoppers-nz.org


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