The good and bad of Tauranga driving

Police have been out in force making sure people obey the road rules. File photo/SunLive.

Tauranga Police have been dealing with a mixed bag of driving behaviour over the holiday period.

In a statement released to SunLive, police are reminding people that “it’s always better to take your time and get to your desired destination than rush and end up not making it”.

They say nobody wants to open their front door to Police with heart-breaking news.

“Overall, the police are pleased with the patience and consideration shown by drivers travelling through Tauranga over the break, especially while negotiating some of our more popular holiday spots,” says Tauranga Police Inspector Zane Smith.

The classic holiday is all about going to the beach and having some fun with friends and family.

The holiday season brings some time to relax, sit back and maybe enjoy a drink.

If you’ve been drinking it’s important to refrain from getting into the driver's seat as this has caused multiple incidents and fatalities over the break, says Zane.

“Police have received several reports of dangerous driving, particularly complaints about speeding and unsafe passing manoeuvres.

“This is disappointing, but not unexpected.

“Police have had a visible presence on the roads throughout our region, and that will continue.”

Police have been swarming the roads to prevent accidents, however, Zane says it’s the motorist’s decision to make the right choices.

“Staying safe on the road is everyone’s responsibility – we can all play a part by ensuring everyone wears a seatbelt, doesn’t drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, that distractions are removed, and we’re driving to the conditions.

“With more people returning to work next week there are going to be more vehicles on the road, and we’re asking people to be patient and keep calm.

“Enjoy the drive, but make sure you get to the destination in one piece.”



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