Hot, dry conditions raising risk of wildfires

Hot, dry and windy conditions are raising the risk of wildfires across the country. File photo/SunLive.

New Zealand has dodged a bullet this weekend despite hot, dry and windy conditions, says a wildfire specialist.

Most of the South Island is under fire restrictions, or total fire bans while the Wairarapa Coast was shifting to a prohibited fire season from Monday morning due to a very high danger.

Last week, Fire and Emergency said there was an extreme concern about the fire risk over the weekend, with areas like the Mackenzie Basin were ready to burn.

Fire and Emergency national wildfire specialist Paul Shaw says South Island fire crews responded to 14 vegetation fires on Saturday alone.

"When you have a dry summer, that number of callouts is not unusual for a midsummer's period.

"I think we got away with it over the weekend fairly well, and it sounds like the public in the Mackenzie Basin have been really good and have done the right things, and we've dodged a bullet."

Residents could help to make their properties easier to defend by clearing flammable material from 10 metres around the building, moving firewood stacked against houses, cleaning out gutters, trimming trees and bushes and removing the trimmings, and keeping their grass short with a nylon-line trimmer.

Fire and Emergency New Zealand District Commander Jeff Maunder says while the Bay of Plenty is still in open fire season, Fire and Emergency is reviewing the fire weather constantly and will move to a restricted fire season as soon as the fire danger indicators call for it.

Fire indicators include weather conditions and the amount and degree of dryness of vegetation.

"Communities must be aware of the escalating risk and act accordingly when it comes to activities involving fire.

"Check the fire season and find fire safety tips at"

-Additional reporting by RNZ.

1 comment

The Master

Posted on 15-01-2024 12:09 | By Ian Stevenson

All sounds like a normal year, time of year when summer kicks in as it always does.... most years.

So what happened to El-nino? You know, the massive fire storm, all will perish toasted?

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