Tauranga history talks before 160th commemoration

Historians Dr Cliff Simons and Buddy Mikaere will be speaking at free lectures about significant events in the history of Tauranga. Photo: SunLive.

Three talks that highlight the most significant events in the history of Tauranga city are being held this coming week.

Featuring historical experts, the talks will be an opportunity for people to learn more about local history ahead of the 160th anniversary of the Battle of Pukehinahina-Gate Pa in April.

"This is an important event for our city, especially with some of the other things happening currently in Aotearoa," says Anglican Parish of Gate Pā Vicar Rev. John Hebenton .

"So, we are again offering free lectures to help our community understand our city's history and how it shapes our present.

"This year we are hoping to offer three lectures."

The first two lectures will discuss the two major colonial era battles that occurred in Tauranga in 1864 and will be offered by Dr Cliff Simons.

Cliff, a retired army officer, has specialised in New Zealand's colonial wars for over 35 years. He has written two books and numerous articles and frequently gives talks about the various battles and campaigns, as well as conducting battle field tours.

In both lectures, Cliff will explore the story of each of these battles within their historical context so that we can understand the ongoing legacy today.

In the first lecture, on Sunday, January 28, Cliff will look at The Battle of Pukehinahina/Gate Pā - April 29, 1864.

In the second lecture Cliff will discuss the other major battle that occurred in Tauranga in 1864 -  the battle at Te Ranga, and its consequences for mana whenua.

Buddy Mikaere will also be speaking about the planned New Zealand Wars Museum at Gate Pā, Putake O Te Riri.

Buddy Mikaere of Ngati Pukenga and Ngati Ranginui descent, is a former director of the Waitangi Tribunal and a well-respected historian.

He has published widely in his specialist field of 19th century race relations and on Māori history in general.

Buddy is Project Director for the Pukehinahina Charitable Trust who have been working in partnership with mana whenua Ngāi Tamarāwaho, to establish the New Zealand Wars Museum - Putake O Te Riri on the Gate Pā Recreation Reserve.

"We are working on a third lecture for February 18 with Graham Cameron talking around Te Tiriti in Aotearoa today," says John. "More information about this will be made available shortly."

St. George's Anglican Church, Gate Pā, sits on the site of the Battle of Pukehinahina - Gate Pā; one of the most significant events in the history of Tauranga city.

"We operate with the kaupapa of - 'let everyone who enters here be reconciled'. There will be an opportunity for questions and discussion at the end of each lecture."

A koha – donations will be collected at the door to help cover the costs.

All lectures are at Te Whare Karakia o Hori Tapu - St. Georges Anglican Church, corner of Cameron Rd and Church St, Gate Pā, on the hill next to the Mega Mitre 10.

Dates and times:

The Battle of Pukehinahina/Gate Pā -  April 29, 1864, with Dr Cliff Simons on Sunday, January 28, from 7 - 9 pm.

The Battle of Te Ranga - June 21, 1864, with Dr Cliff Simons, and Buddy Mikaere speaking about the planned New Zealand Wars Museum at Gate Pā, Putake O Te Riri, on Sunday, February 4; 7 - 9 pm.

Te Tiriti in Aotearoa today with John Cameron, on Sunday, February 18, 7 - 9pm.


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