0:32:58 Tuesday 18 March 2025

Elections: Larry Baldock puts his hand up again

Larry Baldock will be running in this year’s Tauranga City Council elections.

In less than 100 days voting will begin to elect a council to replace the commissioners. And one familiar face is tossing his hat in the ring again.

In a statement released to SunLive today, Larry Baldock announced his intention to run in this year’s Tauranga City Council elections, which are due to be held on July 20, 2024.

He says, while some may want to see a completely new Council elected, only one new candidate has made their intentions clear and no former candidates have come forward.

“As I am constantly asked whether I will stand again, I feel it’s time I made a decision.”

Larry was first elected to Tauranga District Council in 2001 as the representative for the Te Papa/Pyes Pa ward.

But then in July 2002, he was unexpectedly elected as a list MP with United Future and went to Parliament as Tauranga’s de-facto representative. 

“I didn’t return Local Government until 2010 as the representative for Otumoetai/Bethlehem Ward, which included Pyes Pa and Matua.  

“I then lost my seat, along with six other councillors, in 2013, before being elected again in 2016 and 2019, making a total of only eight and a half years on council until being replaced by the Commissioners in Feb 2021.”

Larry also ran in the 2023 General Elections for the Tauranga electorate but lost the seat to Tauranga MP Sam Uffindell.

Larry says after much discussion and consideration, he has decided to stand again this year. 


“Well I have always sought to vote for and support council initiatives to provide for our growing city and would not want to see a reversal of the progress the city has made in the last 40 months.

“Of course there will be some adjustments to time frames and considerations regarding costs here and there, but the city is well placed now with a road map for the next 10 years and into the future. 

“I may yet see some capable and credible new candidates make their intentions known when nominations open and may be persuaded to stand aside but at this point in time I believe I have the experience, knowledge of the past and passion for the future of our city to make a contribution to a new leadership team of councillors.

“A new mayor will need a supportive majority of colleagues they can rely on to continue making progress in the place we all call home.”

While Larry will be “running” in this year’s council elections, he is expected to have an operation on his ankle in May after he broke it in back in 2020. Read more here.

“It may at times be bit more like hopping than running.”

Larry Baldock recovering at home after breaking his ankle in 2020.




Posted on 21-03-2024 10:33 | By OG-2024

JUST ONE request of those elected please.
PUT ALL egos and such like out the door and become ONE UNITED council that is capable and demonstrates that in how you perform your duties to the BENEFIT of ALL those calling Tauranga home. Do NOT destroy our history and green spaces, do NOT race to drown us in tiny overpriced high-rise cells to satisfy denser housing demands from any government.
Just stop breath and think about what made and makes Tauranga a great place to live and restore that to us.
We all know infrastructure is a huge costly time consuming monster, but you NEED to get it right and THEN maybe expand it into new areas. Those of us living here NOW deserve your best, not those who are clamouring to move here when we are already full to bursting. We will be watching.

No surprise here

Posted on 21-03-2024 10:37 | By waiknot

Of cause Larry's running again. He would run for any election

Larry, the developers, commissioners friend, ...

Posted on 21-03-2024 11:07 | By Murray.Guy

You don't have to be psychic to see this coming as Larry Baldock declares his intention to nominate in the hope that he may continue to plummet our city into debt and obscene rate increases the work, celebrating the efforts of the commissioners on behalf selected local developers, Urban Task Force and selected iwi, museum advocates.
By the way Larry, a few have publicly declared their intentions, including in Sunlive (as I'm sure a politically astute fellow like you is aware) is Cameron Templer (Welcome Bay), plus myself Tauriko, Garth Mathieson Mount Maunganui, Suzie Edmonds Matua/Otumoetai.

Really Larry?

Posted on 21-03-2024 11:25 | By nerak

When you couldn't even be bothered to reply to a second invitation to attend a street meeting of concerned ratepayers years ago? I don't think so.

@ OG

Posted on 21-03-2024 12:20 | By Yadick

Excellent comment. Well put.
For all those considering moving to Tauranga, sorry, we're full, try Taupo.
I so hope and trust the new T.E.A.M will turn back a lot of the grandiose schemes from the Commorons.

Destroys credibility

Posted on 21-03-2024 12:20 | By Angels

Back to the old broken record. Tried for museum with every trick and more.
We are better off with appointees than the old bad crew back

Give it up mate

Posted on 21-03-2024 12:36 | By Womby

You have had your turn, you were a member of successive councils that in the end got the flick and put the city in the position it's in now with commissioners.
Not a great CV

WE ALL need to make SURE

Posted on 21-03-2024 12:42 | By Bruja

that we vote in down-to-earth, common-sense people NOT those who have $$$$$$ to gain. Be VERY careful with your votes folks. NOT the trough-slurping property-developers and similar only out to fatten their already over-stuffed bank accounts.

Reality not BS

Posted on 21-03-2024 12:55 | By Bourney

Whoever is running this election let's see some background information per candidate with the age, history etc , More importantly, let's hear what your vision is and what you are going to bring to the role of Councillor? Where do you see key areas like transport, infrastructure, water, tourism and ratepayer services heading? What is your future vision, can we ever get the Ports of Tauranga wharf extended because there is no more space down there and we are losing cargoes to Australia for expensive transhipments? Simple bullet points ratepayers can digest.

The Master

Posted on 21-03-2024 13:07 | By Ian Stevenson

Oh gosh, that is so bad, Larry is intelligent, hard working etc but in my view is not "fit for purpose". He was front and centre in the midst of the mess that resulted in the Councilors being sacked.

TCC needs a full set of capable, competent and rational Councilors who will be there for the right reasons. Larry does not come up to standard.

We need to look forward

Posted on 21-03-2024 13:29 | By FRANKS

rather than a potted history from more than 20 years ago. United future did not succeed and Mr Baldock has not succeeded since.
Time to hop along.

Don’t bother Larry….

Posted on 21-03-2024 14:02 | By Shadow1

Obviously the above comments show that very few people want you back. I seem to remember that your view was that because people had more equity in their homes, they could afford higher rates.
No, we need everyone to consider the applicants for council and vote accordingly. We need astute and honest people representing us, and we don’t need a spoilt, bullying Mayor.

@Ian Stevenson

Posted on 21-03-2024 15:04 | By morepork

After re-reading Larry's statements in the article, I am forced to agree with you 100%. OG-2024 has voiced what most of us are wanting, but it will be hard to get candidates who meet this profile. Ego seems to be an inseparable part of public office. My personal requirements are for people who actually WANT to "serve the community" and also have great respect for OPM. People seeking to be career politicians don't really fit this profile.
Larry should let it go.
Advice to potential candidates: Before offering yourself, ask: "Would you do this job if it was paying minimum wage, or even as a volunteer, for FREE?" You should not be in it for the money or the "prestige", but because you genuinely WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE and help reverse some of the idiotic, costly, vanity projects that remain in force.

Morepork for Mayor!

Posted on 21-03-2024 15:19 | By morepork

Despite urging from some quarters, I have carefully considered the question of my candidacy and almost reluctantly ruled myself out. Here are the reasons:
1. It would cost at least $30,000 to seriously run. That would require sponsorship, in my case, and, once you are sponsored you cannot then claim independence.
2. It was my birthday yesterday and I have finally become aware that I am old. Although my mental processes are in perfect working order, I simply don't have the energy levels I once did. I s'pose I could view it as having huge life experience, but not the mental or physical energy I once did. Our city deserves 100% from ANY candidate.
3. I want to be able to relax and enjoy my retirement. I really have earned it through my life.

I'm happy to present comments and ideas here and will support all positive candidates.


Posted on 21-03-2024 16:06 | By nerak

Loved your 15.19 pm post! Understand why you have ruled yourself out, but you're just the sort of person ratepayers need - honest. Go right ahead though, and enjoy your retirement you so richly deserve. And, your birthday is just another number :)


Posted on 21-03-2024 16:09 | By Let's get real

Unfortunately we now have people who are committing to continue spending other peoples money for a pat on the back from city partners and other business partners. We need forward thinkers that promote investing council time and efforts in developing an infrastructure to last for decades and creating an environment for growth.
The seat warmers in council have feathered their new nest handsomely with eco-buildings rather than modest well designed premises and presumably the plans for the new edifices in town will be equally extravagant, overpriced and empty for the most part.
I will not comment on past councillors, other than to suggest that some need to adjust their attitudes towards those that have a financial interest in council chambers, in favour of ratepayers needs and to check your ego at the door.
We don't need any more "I know better than you do"...


Posted on 22-03-2024 13:21 | By morepork

Your response really made my day. Thank you so much. I read your posts and I see consistent good sense in them. Hope we can both continue for some time yet. :-) Nga mea pai katoa ki a koe.

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