9:09:36 Thursday 27 March 2025

Covid-19 inquiry attracts 11,000 submissions

File photo.


Public consultation on the terms of reference for the Royal Commission into Covid-19 Lessons has concluded, Internal Affairs Minister Hon Brooke van Velden says. 

“I have been advised that there were over 11,000 submissions made through the Royal Commission’s online consultation portal.”

Expanding the scope of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Covid-19 Lessons was a commitment in both the ACT-National and NZ First-National coalition agreements.

“It is clear that this Government is responding to a real need in the community to ensure their voices are heard on the matters relating to the pandemic that affected them the most,” says van Velden.

“It is essential New Zealand works out what we need to do right in the future. This means asking the right questions. I would like to thank all New Zealanders who contributed their time and experiences to this process.

“I look forward to seeing the results of public submissions as soon as possible, which will inform the advice I take to Cabinet for its consideration of an expanded terms of reference.

“I am also turning my mind to filling the vacancy in the Commission membership left by Hon Hekia Parata. I will be consulting with my Coalition partners throughout this process.”


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