Tauranga residents question Willow St road marking

The new signage on Willow Street. Photo: Colin McGonagle.

Have you been down Willow Street recently?

The new signage on Willow Street in Tauranga’s CBD is causing mass confusion as the bike lane seems to take up the entirety of the road.

Tauranga resident Colin McGonagle was driving along Willow Street when he suddenly questioned whether cars should be on the road.

“On Monday I went to park in Willow Street, only to see these white cyclists sprayed on the roadway.

“It caused me to brake and stop.

“It was then that I saw other cars parked on both sides of this strip between Wharf and Spring Street that I felt ok to continue and park.

The new signage on Willow Street. Photo: Colin McGonagle.

“I asked the road workers there whether they were also confused, and they said, “Yes, but we are following instructions”.

 “I waved a policewoman down and asked for her thoughts, and she agreed. I said, what do you think? She said, “Well I stopped because I didn’t know whether I was allowed to come down here either”.

Colin asks if this new signage is confusing to the public, police and road workers, who can make sense of it?

“I expect that I`m not the only resident to raise this.

“It’s very confusing. It’s ambiguous and dangerous.

“Please attend to this confusing, dangerous signage ASAP,” pleads Colin.

The new signage on Willow Street. Photo: Colin McGonagle.

Council’s comment

 “We’re sorry to hear about this person’s experience on Willow St and acknowledge these are significant changes that may take some time for everyone to get used to,” says TCC transport development team leader Tom McEntyre.

“The section of Willow St referred to has become one-way for cars, while cyclists are still able to move in both directions.

“There will soon be arrows on the road (called ‘sharrow markings’) to make it clearer to drivers and cyclists that they can share a lane.

“On the whole, works for the city centre movement pilot have proceeded very well and are on track to be substantively finished by the end of this month – but there are still one or two things to finish off like road markings and plant boxes.

The latest version of the map – this has been updated to include the additional one-waying of Willow St. Photo supplied.

“When the project is complete, we will have a more attractive city centre with other benefits, including: 

-Safer streets, by slowing down vehicles, reducing intersection issues and improving visibility

-More space for wider footpaths, planter boxes, street art and other opportunities to make the city centre more attractive and accessible

-Fewer road closures for the many building projects ramping up in our city centre, because space can be provided beside the street for construction activities when needed.

“This is a good opportunity to mention that a small section of Willow St (between Wharf St and Hamilton St) will become one-way next month and will be permanently closed at some point to allow for the construction of the new civic precinct, Te Manawataki o Te Papa.

“There is no set date for the closure, but the surrounding one-way system will be retained when the closure does occur.”


yet more proof

Posted on 28-03-2024 14:07 | By Mein Fuhrer

that this City is run by a bunch of totally incompetent morons (hope that isn't too offensive for you overly sensitive snowflakes out there), how can common sense and logic be so blatantly ignored?. Honestly my 6 year old grandson could do a better job.


Posted on 28-03-2024 14:09 | By Raewyn

What a joke!

@ Mein Fuhrer

Posted on 28-03-2024 14:45 | By Yadick

Not offensive at all. In fact pretty tame compared to what most people will be thinking/saying. How can this be OK if even the Police are baffled by it.
Oh, and perhaps this is a good opportunity to tell the Commorons to forget their Te Manawa . . . monumental disaster that we DO NOT NEED AND CANNOT AFFORD. Are your ears painted on or do you just choose to ignore the good folk of Tauranga.

What more proof

Posted on 28-03-2024 14:53 | By nerak

do we need, than this latest crap? Yadick, wouldn't matter if their ears were painted on, there's nothing between them anyway.


Posted on 28-03-2024 14:56 | By Wicked

You have got to be kidding. Our unelected council seems we have endlessly deep pockets and they want to spend as much of our money as possible. Firstly the road markings are a joke and completely confusing. Yesterday I questioned what some high viz workers were painting on Harrington street in the CBD and they replied jellybeans. What is that about ?

Looks great

Posted on 28-03-2024 15:40 | By Samwell

Should make it much safer to get around!


Posted on 28-03-2024 15:43 | By beams

Yet another reason not to shop in the city centre!


Posted on 28-03-2024 15:43 | By Let's get real

Is this another planning office success story.
We can get rid of the councillors that we elect to carry the can for this ineptitude, but those earning well above average wages, will sit back and as long as they say OOPS, everything will be forgotten tomorrow.
Let's see some removals carried out and some honesty around competence.
If I were this incompetent, there would be a ward full of badly injured people and a funeral or two. But I don't lounge around behind a desk which will soon be surrounded by ratepayer funded eco-friendly extravagance.

The Master

Posted on 28-03-2024 16:15 | By Ian Stevenson

The road markings perfectly fit with what TCC say that they are doing, agenda 2030.

The elimination of all vehicles from the CBD, I can not understand why there is any surprise about that, TCC (like many Councils) are completely besotted by the crazy nonsense.

Although, oddly, the new TCC Staff "Palace" behind RBOP off Elizabeth Street does not seem to have an adequate scale bike shed, like 1500+ capacity for all the inmates within.

Perhaps the TCC staff have secret special passes that they can drive anywhere they like and park anywhere they like even though a no-vehicle zone CDB is here already.


Posted on 28-03-2024 16:41 | By Naysay

Sent this image to Australia and USA gir teo comedy shows .. they loved it ..only in New Zealand

We do however

Posted on 28-03-2024 17:00 | By Bruja

Need the new Council Building and Library to be built. The rest can wait.


Posted on 28-03-2024 17:03 | By Makkas1313

Oh you have to be kidding me!

Please don't tell me this is again stupidity shining through from the same Greeton consultants at almost bankrupt ratepayers expense?

down town

Posted on 29-03-2024 07:14 | By peter pan

It will be safer ok.nobody will be there.

Lame lanes

Posted on 29-03-2024 08:22 | By Kancho

What a laughable explanation. A brave cyclist to go in the opposite direction to vehicles travelling one way .
Still no point going to town anymore .

Consultation, What is that?

Posted on 29-03-2024 11:05 | By Jules L

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the comment from Council: "This is a good opportunity to mention..that Willow Street will be closed off", So if people had not pointed out that the road markings were ridiculous, the Council was never going to tell anyone any of the massive changes that they have planned for OUR CBD until they were in place? They don't seem to realise that they are legally required to consult with the people who pay their salaries.

The backwards "logic" on display is laughable too, such as massive restrictions in accessibility being made in order to improve accessibility?, or putting markings in place that confuse everybody will somehow improve safety? I hope that the police now revoke all of the driver's licences of the Council and their designers, because they clearly don't know the road-code or anything about safe driving practice.


Posted on 29-03-2024 13:15 | By Captain Hottie

Why not paint the bikes last after everything else has been done?

Also how is this going to actually work, it wasn't very clear in the article. Is the narrow cycle lane going against traffic? Do cycles going with traffic use share the wider lane with cars? There's no room to pass so are drivers expected to just crawl along behind the entitled bunch of middle aged cyclists until they find a cafe to chuck their bikes in front of?

This just in

Posted on 29-03-2024 13:37 | By an_alias

Tolls and crew can fix it but there day rate will go up and also your rates will need an increase, 16% is just not enough.
The fix will be in shortly where the road will first get pulled up and then painted green as its bikes only.
We will them put up road crossings every 20m as no one can walk further than that like Cameron road. We can still fit some more crossings in I expect.
Then we will have to re-do that walking paths as they are shared with cyclists as well as the road.

BE AWARE, This is Progressive Say the Urban Task Force

Posted on 29-03-2024 16:34 | By Murray.Guy

We have an election on the horizon and you will be hearing repeatedly from the Commissioners, the Urban Task Force and their chosen puppet candidates, telling you to support this progressive commissioner sanctioned direction of council.

Don't even consider fixing it.

Posted on 29-03-2024 19:52 | By morepork

Mr. McEntyre stated the standard response from Council whenever their obvious stupidity is pointed out: "...acknowledge these are significant changes that may take some time for everyone to get used to..." WE are supposed to adopt the same stupidity and "get used to it"? What about rethinking the stupidity and adding a bit more sanity, then fixing it? No, that would be an admission of guilt and we can't have that at any cost. The worst part is that we are seeing so much nonsense like this that we are becoming inured to it. I didn't even flinch anymore when I saw this item... It is becoming the expected norm.

@Yadick and nerak

Posted on 29-03-2024 20:04 | By morepork

LOL! Thanks, the image of an empty head with ears painted on it definitely made me laugh again after being depressed by the article... Sadly, this kind of thing just isn't a joke any more.

Cyclist doing there Shopping

Posted on 30-03-2024 07:55 | By Rolingin

I personally have had enough of Cyclist who think that they own the entire road , they dont adhere to cycle lanes so now the councils are bowing to them by giving them the whole road I only ever see them in the weekends and they also lovr to ride outside the thee dedicated lanes and up to 3 abreast . will they ever shop ion that street and spend there money there ?????

Cycle isn't the future

Posted on 30-03-2024 08:20 | By Dee236

Another reason to be annoyed at cyclists is that this is going to be apart of normality. I'd love them to pay for road user charges as well.

A lesson for NZ

Posted on 30-03-2024 10:33 | By Really

Tauranga could never have foreseen that our dysfunctional council would turn out to have been way better than the even more dysfunctional, wasteful and arrogant commissioners they government appointed. Now it will take years to sort out their mess.

Why worry??

Posted on 31-03-2024 16:10 | By Vivella2

What I find more interesting is that everyone is so concerned as according to everything else I read the Tauranga downtown area is “dead” anyway, always numerous comments about empty shops and noone wanting to pay the parking meters etc etc- so why worry??🫣🤣🤣🙄

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