Zebras and rainbows

It does not matter if you are pro or anti the rainbow movement, but my question is why use roading to make your argument?

Councils should not be allowed to break the law to promote their agendas of inclusivity any more than individuals should not be allowed to paint over such things like rainbows on roads.

Around the world there are recognised symbols for road users and the zebra crossing is one of them.  How confusing for tourists, New Zealand drivers and learner drivers to have crossings that do not meet the legally recognised standards for use by pedestrians and motorists.

Do we not have enough confusion on our roads and is it not sensible to avoid potential accidents by using the correct markings for pedestrian users.

This situation has revealed a blatant misuse of taxpayer money in certain areas of New Zealand by individual councils.

Leave roading out of your need to make personal statements about your beliefs – whether they are pro or anti inclusivity and let the New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi create a safe environment for drivers and pedestrians alike!

Rhonda Bennet, Ohauiti.


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