1:37:06 Thursday 6 March 2025

Ladies invited to try fly fishing

Suzie Foggo and Jill Sweeney just love the hobby of fly fishing! Photo: John Borren.

Bay of Plenty women have the chance to gain reel fly fishing expertise at a ladies-only event this month that will teach them everything they need to know to start the hobby.

Tauranga Anglers Club is hosting the two-day event on May 25-26 to introduce novice and beginner women anglers to the sport of fly fishing.

Club secretary Jill Sweeney says the event is women-only because ladies learn new skills in a different way to men, and this offering will give them the space to do so.

“This is an opportunity to discover all aspects of fly fishing without committing to anything permanent,” says Jill.

The basics covered

“No equipment is needed – just a willingness to learn and to make new friends,” says Jill.

“I welcome any questions or queries before registration.”

Jill hopes BOP women will hook into the hobby and make new connections with like-minded women via this event.

“And [they can] gain a social group of fishing buddies to then be able to arrange fishing trips and outings, or just talk fishing.”.

Day one is based at Tauranga Anglers Dive Club at Sulphur Point from 8.30am-5pm.

This will cover topics from learning basic fly fishing knots, how to put equipment together, explore accessories to help make a day’s fishing successful, to understanding key aspects of personal safety and equipment when preparing for a day out on the water.

Ladies will also learn basic overhead fly casting and correct techniques of casting a fly line.

Day two is at The Hatchery, Eastern Fish & Game office, Paradise Valley Rd, Ngongotaha from 8.30am-12 noon.

“Day two will give an opportunity to learn about the care of trout and their environment, a space to improve casting skills learnt the day before and a shared lunch to continue the social side of the event.

“That afternoon women will be able to go fishing on Lake Rotorua with a very experienced mentor and maybe even catch a fish!

"There will be enough practical tuition so anyone attending can be confident in the equipment, and the skills needed to be safe, but potentially start catching fish straight away.”

Jill says the event aims “to create a safe and welcoming environment in which women can learn about all aspects of fly fishing that has not been available before”.

“[It’s also] To give women in the area more information about our freshwater anglers club.”

Jill says being a club member offers opportunities to gain experience and knowledge in the technical skills of fly fishing and the environmental issues of the sport.

Enhance resources 

“More club memberships will enhance and increase the angling resources for women in this area, whilst providing a social group with monthly meetings, fishing trips and competitions – in fact, all aspects of belonging to a club.”

The May 25-26 ladies-only event is ticketed at $50 per lady for two days plus $30 for Saturday’s refreshments.

Spaces are limited to 15 to allow everyone a real hands-on learning and quality time with mentors, says Jill.

“A Fish & Game Day Licence will be needed on day two of fishing on Lake Rotorua $24 for 24 hours,” says Jill.

“So if you’ve wondered if you’d like to fly fish, this event gives you that opportunity.

"Meeting other women, finding new friends and trying something you may not have been able to before – what is there to lose?”

Registrations are open – to enquire, email Jill at:



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