Win a working bee to help with your project

Some of the team. Photo supplied.

The Western Bay of Plenty Council is giving you the chance to win a working bee team of dedicated volunteers to make your project a reality.

The competition is already open and closes on June 14; the winner will be announced on June 17.

The Western Bay of Plenty Council is working with SocialLink’s Volunteering Services team to show their appreciation for volunteers by getting their hands stuck in as well for this year’s volunteering week.

“We have a willing and enthusiastic team of Western Bay Worker Bees ready to complete your community working bee,” says Western Bay of Plenty Council community outcomes adviser for the natural environment and sustainable living sector, Liesel Carnie.

If your group or organisation need weeding, potting, painting, tidying, cooking - the list goes on - and you would like a group of enthusiastic volunteers to do it, this is your chance to make it happen.

Liesel says the winner will be chosen by SocialLink’s Volunteering Services team.

“We don’t have any specifications, it just needs to be something that will be giving back to the Western Bay community.”

Liesel says they’re looking for a project that will make the most amount of impact for what they are providing.

“If we can get something that would achieve environmental outcomes, social outcomes and cultural outcomes that would be ideal.”

This opportunity could mean fresh gardens for a school, parcel creating for an emergency management service, cooking for a soup kitchen, clearing tracks and weeding, painting club rooms or tidying up community centres.

“The sky’s the limit,” says Liesel.

This competition is part of an annual campaign that celebrates volunteers during volunteer week. “It’s an official thank you,” says Liesel.

In addition to this competition, the Western Bay of Plenty council will be organising five morning teas around the district, and the mayor will officially thank all the volunteers who work hard in the Western Bay community.

Terms and conditions

· The group or organisation has an adequate health and safety plan for volunteers. Western Bay of Plenty District Council will not be liable for any accidents and expects the organisation to keep council staff safe on the day.

· All equipment or consumables required to complete the working bee will be provided by the group. The council will not be required to provide equipment or consumables.

· The working bee will be suitable for a range of abilities and not require specialist skills. Any minor training or inductions required can be completed quickly on the day before completing the project.

· The working bee must be completed on Friday, June 21 from 12pm to 5pm. A rain-out day can be discussed if required.

· A member of the group will be present throughout the day to support and assist council staff.

· This project will assist or serve the Western Bay of Plenty district or be within the Western Bay of Plenty District council boundaries.

“Give us your pitch be in the running to win a team of Western Bay staff ready to complete your mahi!”

Submit your entry here.


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