Catamaran adrift in Tauranga harbour

The yacht, drifting into the Matua Saltmarsh Reserve area, appears to be dragging its anchor. Photo: Carly McMechan.

A boat adrift in the Tauranga Harbour near the Matua Saltmarsh Reserve has caught the attention of Otumoetai and Matua residents.

A SunLive reader who lives in Margaret Street, Bellevue, says they can see the catamaran drifting in the water below their house.

"It's always moored [at the end of Bay Street, Matua] and barely goes out. We love looking at it," says the Bellevue resident.

Other residents are also noticing it adrift in the water between the Matua peninsula and Bellevue.

"I can see it from here at Otumoetai Road," says another SunLive reader.

The yacht adrift on Sunday morning. Photo: Andrea Friar.

The Margaret Street resident is concerned about the winds and tide on the yacht, which appears to be dragging its anchor.

"It’s grounded beneath our house in Margaret Road but the wind is still slowly pushing it up towards the salt marshes below Otumoetai intermediate.

"The tide is going out now and if those winds die down the boat may drift out to sea."

The yacht, seen from Margaret Street, Bellevue, appears to be dragging its anchor. Photo: Supplied.

Fresh westerlies are picking up on Sunday morning. After being around 15 km/h during the early morning hours, the wind is increasing in strength and expected to be around 30 km/h during the middle of the day.

MetService's forecast is for a partly cloudy day with a few showers, clearing to fine this afternoon. Fresh westerlies should be easing this evening.

Low tide is at 3.06pm.

It is understood that the owner has now been contacted and is making their way to the yacht.

The Tauranga Harbourmaster and Tauranga Coastguard have also been contacted.






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