Discoloured water for Te Papa Peninsula

Homes and businesses Greerton, the Cameron Road area, the Avenues and through to the City Centre. File photo.

A water mains failure on 11th Avenue today has caused discolouration of water in Tauranga.

Homes and businesses on the Te Papa Peninsula (including Greerton, the Cameron Road area, the Avenues and through to the City Centre) are affected, says a statement from Tauranga City Council.

"The discolouration of water is caused from naturally-occurring iron and manganese that deposits on the inside of the pipes and gets disturbed by the flow during a major break.

"Our contractors are repairing the failure and the water is safe to drink but it may take some time for the discoloured water to work through the system."

Council's advice to residents experiencing water discolouration is to flush their outside taps for five – 10 minutes, and to call council on 07 577 7000 if the issue remains.

"We thank the community for their patience."


Try not to think about...

Posted on 17-06-2024 13:14 | By morepork

... what it is costing you to "flush your taps for 10 minutes..." See, if we were connected to the Pacific Ocean by a desalinization plant, you wouldn't even have to think about it.

@ morepork !

Posted on 17-06-2024 21:53 | By The Caveman

YES he makes a GREAT point - Council has a problem with the water supply ! They tell you to flush your pipes for 10 minutes !! YOU are paying water rates to flush your pipes for a problem that YOU did not cause !!!

Will the Council give you a water rate rebate for your full force use of you taps to flush out the crap water that they have put in your pipes ???? NAH not a chance !!!!!


Posted on 18-06-2024 13:32 | By Yadick

We ran 12 bath fulls last night, and we have a large bath and it did not clear and smelled like crap. This morning the water is still brown as. COME ON COUNCIL, this should not be happening still. 2nd time in as many months.
On the bright side (tongue in cheek) we are getting museums, an art gallery and meeting rooms.


Posted on 18-06-2024 13:37 | By Yadick

When did we start getting called Te Papa Peninsula? Don't even know where that is, apart from the areas 'included' above.
Is this more PC dribble?

@ Yadick

Posted on 18-06-2024 22:35 | By The Caveman

Last thing I knew, Te Papa is the National Museum in WELLINGTON - that town at the bottom of the North Island !!

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