Candidates should promise to consult ratepayers

If you ignore the people, they will ignore you. I raise this as we approach the time for Tauranga residents to vote in a new council.

For instance, the Local Body law says plainly the following. Councillors must consult with Tauranga residents! Councillors must act as directed by Tauranga residents.

I am yet to find any Tauranga resident who has ever been consulted, as directed by law. However, TCC always consult us on rates, very efficiently, with the threat of property confiscation if we do not pay!

I believe that Tauranga residents want the same effort put into asking us what we want and doing as directed, as they put into demanding our money!

In my opinion, all candidates, who are standing for election should be made to sign a declaration that they will obey the ‘consultation laws’. Then we might vote for them.

Ken Evans, Tauranga City.


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