We appreciate your generosity

On behalf of Under the Stars Charitable Trust, we’d like to wholeheartedly thank you all for your generosity in our recent winter-donations drive – publicised in The Weekend Sun. We’ve been blown away by so many amazing people generously offering their warm winter gear for our community.

With your help, we’ve been able to hand out tents, sleeping bags, warm beanies, underwear, socks and winter coats to our homeless and most in need. Winter is upon us and these items are going to make a huge difference to the comfort and wellbeing of our guests. As a donor to our organisation, you are making a difference in your community. We appreciate your generosity, without you what we do would not be possible.

We also truly appreciate those who’ve made monetary donations. Every dollar makes a difference. We’re happy to supply our account number to anyone wishing to make a donation and receipts can be supplied.

If you’re still wishing to donate some of the items listed above we will happily receive them. Please email us on: admin@underthestars.org.nz.

Ani Stace, Under the Stars.


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