Pupil selling original board game at market

Quinn Willis, age 9, is selling 'Tauranga Family Fun' at Little Big Markets at Coronation Park today, Saturday August 3, from 9am - 2pm. Photo: John Borren.

At the age of nine, Matua Primary pupil Quinn Willis is taking on the responsibility of showcasing Bay of Plenty tourism.

And he’s doing so by creating and selling his own board game, which will also support a charity close to his heart.

Quinn and his fellow classmates were tasked with creating a small business for a school project. He decided to create a spin on the classic board game ‘Snakes and Ladders’.

Tauranga Family Fun is played by participants rolling a dice and progressing along the board to get to the finish – with pitfalls and advantages along the way, just like Snakes and Ladders.

Quinn’s mum Avon Willis says the class will sell their wares at the Mount Maunganui’s Little Big Markets today, Saturday, August 3.

“Quinn has Tourism Bay of Plenty stocking it at their iSITE locations for sale and he’ll sell it online at: www.prettysmart.co.nz

“At this stage he’s selling it for $10 including the game board, dice and counters.”

Avon says Quinn was keen to create something of his own, that is fun, and has a longer business life than just the markets.

“He had strong opinions and creative direction in the product.

“The school required parents to be ‘investors’ in their own kids’ businesses and they have to pay us back and hopefully make a profit at the end of it.”

The end product has become a tourism showcase for the Bay of Plenty.

“Using a map, he worked out the best locations and activities that matched [local] areas and it perfectly suited finishing on Mauao – a happy accident,” says Avon.

The game is printed at Kale Print, who were very supportive, giving Quinn a community spirit discount.

Avon, who with Quinn has been residing in Tauranga since 2017, says the Year 5 pupil loves it here.

He’s part of Tauranga’s Big Buddy programme which matches suitable men with young boys whose fathers aren’t around.

Quinn has been matched with big buddy Lyndon Hawk for two years. Avon says Lyndon is an awesome guy and Quinn enjoys their weekly catch ups.

“Quinn is a clever, intelligent boy,” says Lyndon.

“Once he’s committed, he puts in the effort. He’s still young and has huge potential.

“He had the confidence to come with me to see people at Tauranga Library and Tourism BOP [to create his board game]. After, I introduced Quinn he was responsible for pitching the game, and what help he was looking to obtain.”

Avon says Quinn wants to give back to Big Buddy, aiming to gift 20 per cent of profits made from sales to the programme.

“He’s super pleased with how it turned out and can’t wait until the market day – fingers crossed it’s not rained out.”

Quinn will be stationed at the Little Big Markets at Coronation Park, Mount Maunganui, from 9am-2pm today, Saturday, August 3.


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