Tauranga mayor discusses community safety

Tauranga Mayor Mahé Drysdale attended the Western Bay of Plenty Neighbourhood Support AGM.

Tauranga mayor Mahé Drysdale says neighbourhood support is a vital partner in community safety. 

He was speaking at the Western Bay of Plenty Neighbourhood Support’s AGM this week.

Drysdale said the definition of a community relied on shared views of what’s important, and to do that, the council needed to engage with the community. 

“Perceptions of community safety are important. That’s where Neighbourhood Support has a massive role to play,” he said. 

“Activities directly impact how we feel about ourselves and our sense of community and well-being. We have shared goals of a safer city, and I’m pleased to see you measure your activities on outcomes - that’s important to the council, too. 

“I applaud your work and your work with our community safety teams, too. This can only improve safety, violence prevention and reduction in addiction-related harm.” 

He said the council’s involvement in redeveloping the city centre was part of revitalising the city that had been allowed to languish. 

“This neglected area will become one where people want to live, work, play and enjoy.” 

He said the council wanted to get involved and support voluntary activity as much as possible, and he looked forward to “making great things” in the region. 

The council could not solve community safety issues alone and needed to work alongside the police and other organisations. Many incidents were health-related, and he urged people to report issues so they could be tackled.  

Neighbourhood Support, Western Bay of Plenty chair Kathy Webb said the organisation was in good heart. 

It had maintained membership at 14,500 households, increased its communication channels, had been instrumental in setting up the Pāpāmoa Food Hub and the Ōmanu community gardens, expanded membership in Pyes Pā, driven a closer relationship with its two councils and developed a working relationship with Fire and Emergency NZ. 


Community Involvement

Posted on 18-09-2024 12:59 | By tia

And just to mention at the great work Community Patrols do in helping the Police to make our Community a Safer Place. thanks for being out there day and night.

The Master

Posted on 18-09-2024 13:03 | By Ian Stevenson

The biggest risk and threat to the Community and neighborhood is TCC, they are and will be more so in the future harming so many so often 24/7 and thee i s no sign of change of direction, limits or attitude.

The debt TCC is creating is huge $3 billion according to TCC's own paperwork, and that of course 100% assumes that all TCC does between now and 2034 will all be on budget or better... of course, TCC has never achieved that even once, never mind for 10 years...


Posted on 18-09-2024 14:05 | By Let's get real

Personally, I think that for council to get buy-in from the community, a great start would be to establish regular binding referenda on major issues.
The important requirement is BINDING, no more "consultation" and ignoring the outcome if it doesn't fit the empire building agenda.

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