INZ encourages early applications for student visa

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Immigration New Zealand is encouraging people wanting to study in New Zealand to apply early for their student visa.

"The processing of student visas is a priority for us, particularly as we get closer to the end of the year summer processing peak," said INZ's director student Visa Celia Coombes.

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) receives the highest volume of student visa applications over the summer period as students ready for studying in the new calendar year.

"Applications take longer to be decided during this peak period, so it is important that anyone who is wanting to come to New Zealand to study in early 2025 applies in good time. 

"In 2023, we advised students to apply at least four months ahead of their intended travel date if they could do so.

"However, 40 perc ent of student applications from our two main markets of India and China were submitted within six weeks of their intended travel dates, and six per cent of those were submitted just one week or less before travel."

INZ is calling on the education sector to encourage students to apply early this year. 

Coombes said leaving an application too late can mean students miss out. 

“We strongly encourage students to get their applications in three months prior to their intended travel dates. It’s important you make sure you have all the required documents and meet our thorough funds assessment in your application. 

“Not having your application in early with all the required documents, including a valid Offer of Place, means you might not be able to start your intended course and can be incredibly disappointing,” Coombes said. 

To ensure you have all the information you need, check the student visa information sheets 

The NZ visa processing times are published on the INZ website and updated monthly: Visa processing times for international students 


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