Wright Rd residents in the Western Bay of Plenty continue to battle against the installation of median barriers on State Highway 2.
The barriers were installed on SH2 between Katikati and Ōmokoroa in 2020.
Residents have continued to protest the installation.
Safety and financial concerns have been raised by local businesses and residents who have made a fourth unsuccessful attempt to meet with NZ Transport Waka Kotahi representatives.
Wright Rd community group representative Rochelle Zajko said all attempts so far have been ignored.
However, NZTA said it has engaged with the community since 2017 and adjusted the project scope.
In an email to NZTA, seen by SunLive, Zajkpo said they urgently want to meet with NZTA.
“Due to serious safety concerns for residents, detrimental impacts on our local economy, the road section is now more unsafe than when it had previous right-hand-turn improvement.”
The median barriers on State Highway 2 in Aongatete. Photo / David Hall
NZTA response
In response, NZTA told SunLive that since the safety improvements project between Waihī and Ōmokoroa began in 2017, there have been multiple rounds of engagement and consultation with the community, businesses, emergency services and industry groups.
“The NZTA board has already reconsidered plans and changed the scope of the project considerably as a result,” said the NZTA spokesperson.
“The board’s decision is based on examining the evidence presented for a range of options to take this project forward.
“NZTA is aware there are a range of views in the community about this issue and that not everyone is satisfied with the decision, but the board has determined this approach appropriately balances travel impacts for local journeys and safety for all road users.”
The spokesperson confirmed that NZTA will continue to assess the safety of the road corridor as part of the improvement project.
Impact of the median barriers on local businesses
Bruce Porter, of trucking company BR & SL Porter Ltd – Transport & Storage, said he worried about his drivers’ safety.
According to Porter, NZTA’s new median barriers have affected Aongatete businesses along SH2 because they stop them from being able to turn right in and out of the businesses.
Local businesses said the median barriers are causing difficulties. Photo / David Hall
Drivers often travelled to and from The Wine Portfolio, and without turning right, the trucks had to perform several manoeuvres before they could get onto the road, Porter said.
“We can go into the winery from the Tauranga side, however, there is no way can we exit this site with large vehicles going towards the Katikati way due to the Armco railing.”
The median barriers on State Highway 2 in Aongatete. Photo / David Hall
Porter said Mainfreight was also facing difficulties getting in and out of the winery, and both transport companies operate there daily.
He said the Seeka Packhouse also had the same predicament.
Porter recalled he was driving one day, and a bus had to stop on the motorway to let him out.
After getting back onto the highway, they have to drive a further couple of kilometres before they get to a roundabout so that they can make a u-turn.
Porter said the roundabouts were very tight, “especially when the units are 23m long and the wheels are up sitting around the centre of the roundabout, which is not good for the vehicle and it’s not good for the road. And they haven’t taken into account that the new vehicles are longer”.
Porter said it’s also challenging to stay within the lane, which makes it dangerous.
In one instance, he was driving down the highway towards Morton Rd and a car came out of one of the driveways on the other side of the road and travelled down in the opposite direction because he [the driver] couldn’t be bothered travelling the extra distance.
He said the driver would have had to drive another 6km if they had gone the right way. “I feel sorry for those people.”
For the trucking company, these road changes had created a financial burden, Porter said.
“It’s costing us roughly $4 a kilometre, so we’re back $8 off the bottom line before fuel tax, wages and everything else.
“We might go there three to four or five times a day, that starts adding up.”
Response from an NZTA spokesperson
“In August, the NZTA board decided to complete the two further roundabouts and wide centrelines for the safety improvement project, maintaining all right-turning movements on remaining intersections along the corridor, but not to continue with the remainder of the median barrier installation,” said an NZTA spokesperson.
"As a key corridor for the Port of Tauranga, all roundabouts and safety improvements between Waihī and Ōmokoroa were designed to accommodate large trucks. The roundabouts have a 36 metre outside diameter which enables the turning of a high productivity motor vehicle (HPMV) 25m truck-trailer unit.
"State Highway 2 is a limited access highway, so anyone with a driveway onto the highway needs to provide an access that is fit for purpose for the vehicles that will use it and must ensure their driveway can accommodate the movements of delivery vehicles."
The board made the decision that all other improvements should remain.
They said the safety of the 15,000 vehicles travelling this section of state highway daily was paramount. Road users are growing by about 2-3% each year.
“Throughout the lifetime of this project, there have been multiple rounds of engagement and consultation with the community.”
Posted on 04-12-2024 14:07 | By Ziggaty
The NZTA said it made multiple meetings to discuss the center barriers. As a resident who lives up Wright Road, I do not remember being invited to any of them. The only engagement I have heard that the NZTA had with affected roads was with the residents of Sharp Road. There were ZERO meetings with Wright Road residents.
The second lie. NZTA says that extra response times for medical, fire, and police events were not an issue with emergency services. However, when you read websites and brochures they all state, quote; "MINUTES MATTER".
Why the NZTA has buried their heads in the sand over the Wright Ride right turn baffles us all. There is just ZERO common sense in doing this. The NZTA are coming across as narcissistic control freaks because they are refusing to meet with us.
No Consultation
Posted on 04-12-2024 18:37 | By Arroldite
For NZTA to say they have consulted with the community in regard to the barrier we now have at the end of our road is a lie! As a resident of this road at no time have we been contacted or informed about the design that we now have to live with. Why NZTA carried on with putting the barrier across our road that took away our right turn into our road baffles me. The improvements they made with widening the end of our road & creating a better turning bay was all the money they needed to spend. I don't have anything against barriers, they have their place, it's the design that is frustrating. I doubt the people responsible for this design/decision would have this at the end of their road!!
NZTA telling porches...again
Posted on 04-12-2024 19:20 | By SueLarsen43
Why oh why do NZTA lie? Same lies every media article. Who can or does hold them accountable?
Those who live in Wright have been shafted by NZTA; and experiment gone wrong. Co.e on NZTA, sort out this stuff up now
NZTA tripe
Posted on 04-12-2024 20:06 | By Mocha
Once again NZTA tripe is rolled out..
Interesting that they are continuing to spout that blocking Wright Road residents ability to turn right will keep the 15,000 daily users safe, when OIA data from NZTA show that there hasn't been one single serious or fatal injury at the intersection in the past five years (in the last 10 years: 2 serious accidents, 2018 and 2019 BEFORE rtb, speed reduction and road widening done). NZTA have not met with residents, but have now stopped the project following massive backlash. How about you now do the right thing NZTA and re-instate the right turn bay for Wright Road, as it is clear to all that you have stuffed up on this one, whether you admit it or not!
Never been any consultation!!
Posted on 04-12-2024 22:10 | By GreenRidgeFarm
I live up Wright Rd, there has been zero engagement from NZTA, not sure what there definition of engagement is or was? Nothing in the mailbox? No community meetings? In fact the deeper you dig the more underhanded and dirty NZTA has been.
They point blank refuse to engage with the affected community and businesses.
The barrier is a joke, the road is now unsafe, I’ve seen more dangerous stuff on this section of road now since the installation of the barriers, than I have in the previous 13yrs of living here!! Madness! some numpty in Wellington thinks they’ve made it safer on paper, the reality is vastly different.
Wright Road
Posted on 05-12-2024 07:05 | By Robyn Maree
NZTA held community meetings re SH2 upgrades in Omokoroa. I attended all of them. I praised them on their design with the wide centre lines, but stressed to the staff member that they would not put "cheese cutters" through. He said "No" they will not be. At the next meeting I spoke to the same gentleman and he said that NZTA Board had changed their minds. I expressed my disgust with the many concerns I had for all the people living on this section of road. It seems that the Wellington experts know best.
NZTA Misinformation
Posted on 05-12-2024 10:36 | By Mudge
As residents of SH2 between the 2 roundabouts we also received no direct consultation. We are sick of reading the lies and misinformation from NZTA. We all agree safety of road users is paramount. NZTA states they will continue to assess the safety of the road corridor as part of the improvement project. Due to the reduced safety following this particular roundabout and barrier installation, this assessment must surely result in NZTA reinstating right hand turns and reducing barrier lengths to be safer, more practical and efficient for road users. The government’s new Guiding principles include: Principle 2. Road safety should consider the economic and social outcomes sought from the road system, including the need to get to destinations efficiently.
J Sobye
Posted on 05-12-2024 13:05 | By Wills
It is exactly as the above comments are stating. Absolutely no engagement or consultation between Wright Road residents and NZTA has ever taken place. Many years ago we met with BECA to discuss the right hand turning bay into Wright Road and wider median strip. Once this was in place 3 years ago the safety of turning right here improved remarkably. Visibility in both directions is really good on this stretch of road where Wright Road meets with SH2. As far as those who live on Wright Road and use Wright Road are concerned there is absolutely no sound reason why our right hand turns have been blocked off by a median barrier.
Wright Road debacle
Posted on 05-12-2024 14:13 | By Jean P Harrison
So they have come out and repaired the delineators that were destroyed on the central strip just before Leveret winery again. Last week they were destroyed on the left side of the road. My son who works in roading (not these numbchucks) said it's a really bad design and it will be an on going permanent position for someone to keep fixing them. When will they see sense?
There have been no accidents at the bottom of Wright Road since our (we've since found out 'temporary') right turn was installed over 2 years ago. Everyone was happy.
Jean Harrison #freewrightroad
Posted on 05-12-2024 16:00 | By Robin
I went to a meeting at the Lighthouse corner of Lockington road about 2017 we were they meet you at the door and showed the plans to widen State highway and put in safety barriers in the side of the road. I said that looked good. As I was about to leave the guy said if they got funding for the next stage they would put in roundabouts and centre barriers. I replied who thought of that dumb idea. He glared at me and walking away. So much for discussion.
Posted on 05-12-2024 17:30 | By CLN
NZTA have not engaged with Wright Road residents before this decision for barriers was made. The residents and businesses are at their wits end with the havoc this barrier creates. Traffic is frequently backed up or stopped for trucks, tractors and rubbish collection day brings us to a weekly crawl. #freewrightroad
Posted on 05-12-2024 18:30 | By Cotty
I live on one of the 13 roads that was proposed to be barricaded in with no right turn but after lots of public protestation it was agreed by NZTA to withdraw their proposal for 12 of the intersections .
So why did NZTA steam roller ahead to single out Wright Road.?
What is the rationale for that road to be blocked against all others ?
NZTA appears to be characterised by showing prejudice, discrimination, and antagonism toward the people of Wright Road because Wright road residents have banded together as members of an identified social group to fight for their rights for fairness.
NZTA your behaviour toward Wright Road Residents is tantamount to racism and authoritarism .
Is that really how you want to be identified as?
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