Pecking order

Josiah Poynton with his chickens. Photo: David Hall

When it comes to poultry, 10-year-old Josiah Poynton is quickly becoming an expert.

“I have nine chickens and my favourites are the Exchequer Leghorns. They’re white with black spots,” the lower Kaimai home school student said.

“My mum has about 100 chickens and I like to help her with them.”

Together, they run what they describe as their ‘side hustle’ Kaimai Poultry, selling heritage breeds of chickens such as Rhode Island Red, Dorking, Orpington and Barnevelder as well as fertilised eggs.

“Kids love the different varieties,” said Josiah’s mother Sharon Poynton. “They come in all sizes and there are fluffy feet, hens with ‘hairdos’ and different colours.”

Josiah is thinking about entering one of his hens in the Tauranga A&P Lifestyle Show at Tauranga Racecourse on February 15.

The poultry section organiser, Sandi Draffin, said every entry in the “Best Rooster” or “Best Hen” competition will win a prize.

One of the many breeds of chickens the Poyntons have. Photo: David Hall
One of the many breeds of chickens the Poyntons have. Photo: David Hall

“We have some fantastic sponsors who provide quality chicken food, and there’s a $100 Farmlands voucher for the bird voted crowd favourite,” she said. “Serious competitors even bathe their hens and polish their legs but for us. It’s about having fun and appreciating the effort of just bringing your chickens along.”

Draffin has arranged for a turkey that gobbles on cue and baby chicks that kids can hold — and even buy — at the show.

“They need to be kept warm for six weeks and then kept in a coop so they’re safe, but they make great pets for kids. I sell free-range eggs from my laying hens but I also have Speckled Sussex, which are a rare breed here. They’re a very pretty, deep mahogany colour with speckles.”

Josiah with brothers Jackson, Nicky and Alex. Photo: David Hall
Josiah with brothers Jackson, Nicky and Alex. Photo: David Hall

About 3500 people are expected to attend the event, which promises music, food, carnival rides, demonstrations, and displays of vintage military vehicles and farming equipment.

The 141st Tauranga A&P Lifestyle Show kicks off at 10am on Saturday, February 15, at Tauranga Racecourse. Tickets are $10 for adults, with free entry for kids under 15.




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