The Bill threatens to permit ongoing degradation

Why is the Treaty Principles Bill of concern to all New Zealanders?

Before 1840 Maori appealed to King William (the Crown) for protection from ‘troublesome and vicious’ Europeans living in their midst. The resultant Treaty of Waitangi promised protection of Tino Rangatiratanga (self-governance) and taonga treasured by Maori as essential for their well-being, particularly, their whenua/land.

Sadly, the Crown/Government soon ignored that legal agreement for Pakeha’s gain. Wholesale suffering and harm to both Maori and the environment ensued. The current Treaty Principles Bill threatens to permit ongoing degradation of our peoples’ and environment. The Maori call for valuing manaakitanga/care, kaitiakitanga/protection, whanaungatanga/relationship-building and  kotahitanga/unity based on just principles need to be heard and supported urgently at the government level. All New Zealanders are being called to visibly stand against the resource-grabbing and ongoing environmental degradation that could result from the passing of the Treaty Principles Bill.

Avril Manley, Greerton



Posted on 24-01-2025 12:32 | By Wundrin

A version of history which would appear to be at odds with that which was recorded at the time. Unfortunately, this country is now being bombarded with a "modern interpretation" of history, a version which is being spread via social media to a willing audience which sees a chance of gains above and beyond anything contemplated in 1840. Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth...

That's sad........

Posted on 25-01-2025 13:53 | By groutby

.........yet another version of the well documented conflict between Maori tribal conflict with each other..
I would have no doubt that there was some 'misconduct' between inhabitants at that time, but a quick scan of Te Ara reveals quite a different story as to Maori and indeed European concerns at the time.
I understand there are many opponents to the bill, which, we are told will not proceed at this stage anyway, but re-writing of history to support a claim will create mistrust and must be called out whenever possible.....

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