21:19:55 Monday 31 March 2025

Climate change is bigger than politics

Green Goals
with Josh Cole
Green Party

I was disappointed to read our local MP, Sam Uffindell, stoop to disinformation and bully tactics about climate change actions by the Green Party.

Climate Change is too important to play party politics. We need all hands on deck to reduce emissions now as well as technology for future emissions reduction.

We are now also needing to brace ourselves and adapt to ever increasing frequency and severity of storms, floods, heatwaves and cold snaps because of the denial that went on for far too long.

This was always going to be by far the most expensive route to go down rather than using it as an opportunity to improve our general sustainability and conservation efforts and creating more economic activity around them.

Indeed James Shaw and Bay of Plenty MP, Todd Muller worked together on the Zero Carbon Bill 5 years ago that set in motion a whole swathe of climate actions by this government. This is the sort of work that is critical.

The local Green Party branch penned this letter to Todd Muller thanking him for his collaboration with James Shaw...

Kia ora Todd Muller,

Warm greetings to you from the Bay of Plenty/Tauranga Branch of the Green Party.

At our most recent catch-up, when thinking about the awfulness of the destruction and devastation of recent climate events, our thoughts turned to James Shaw, Minister for Climate Change and you in your role as Spokesperson for Climate for the National Party. You also happen to be many of our member's local MP.

We recognize a shift in general awareness about the reality and impact of Climate Change, even locally. Maybe this shift will provide the motivation needed to enable more effective legislation. We hope so!

We write this letter to encourage you in this vital role you have and to affirm the co-operative work you have already done with James Shaw. The work you two have done through a maelstrom of resistance and denial is critical for our short and long term economy as well as lur society and the environment. Such cross-party co-operation is essential in finding ways of responding to this crisis.

Please know that we, your constituents, honour your efforts and encourage you as you face into this mighty challenge we are all in together.

Nga mihi nui,

Green Party

Tauranga-Bay of Plenty branch