Mussels aiding muscles

Researchers have now found that New Zealand Greenshell mussel powder can help men recover faster from injuries caused by exercise. Photo: Plant and Food Research.

No pain, no gain – sore muscles are a common side effect of exercise.

Researchers have now found that New Zealand Greenshell mussel powder can help men recover faster from injuries caused by exercise.

The clinical trial, conducted by Plant & Food Research, found that after four weeks of taking Sanford's Greenshell mussel powder product, PERNAULTRA, study participants reported accelerated muscle recovery following exercise-induced damage and decreased soreness of target muscle groups.

The study has been published in the global journal Nutrients.

Twenty untrained healthy adult men aged between 21 and 45 years took part in the randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over intervention study.

The study investigated the effects of consuming three grams of Greenshell mussel PERNAULTRA powder daily on muscle recovery after exercise-induced muscle damage compared with when they took a placebo for the same duration.

Participants completed a bench-stepping exercise that induced muscle damage to the eccentrically exercised leg.

Muscle function, soreness and biomarkers of muscle damage, oxidative stress and inflammation were measured before exercise, immediately after exercise, and 24, 48 and 72 hours post exercise.

The scientists concluded that taking the PERNAULTRA powder expedited the recovery of muscle function and reduced the severity of delayed onset of muscle soreness in untrained men.

'Our findings show that Greenshell mussel powder supplementation accelerated muscle recovery following exercise-induced damage as determined by faster recovery of muscle function, reduction in plasma CK concentrations and decreased soreness of target muscle groups,” says Plant & Food Research scientist Dr Dominic Lomiwes, who led the study.

'Reduced muscle function following prolonged unaccustomed eccentric exercise is a classic indicator of muscle damage, limiting physical performance for several days.

"This study provides evidence for Greenshell mussel powder in being effective in supporting muscle recovery from EIMD.”

Sanford's GM of Innovation, Andrew Stanley, says this latest result broadens our understanding of the power of Greenshell mussels.

'This study is breaking new ground in extending our understanding of what mussel powder can be used for. Mussel powder for injury recovery is a big, new proven benefit.

"And while the study was done specifically on Sanford's PERNAULTRA mussel powder, we think this new evidence offers an opportunity for the whole industry to think about where we go next as we explore everything Greenshell mussel powder can do.

"We know there are multiple benefits to Greenshell mussel powder and we are certain that more will be uncovered as research continues.”

The study was part of a collaborative research programme between Massey University, New Zealand's leading seafood company Sanford, the Cawthron Institute in Nelson, and the Crown Research Institute Plant & Food Research, funded by the High Value Nutrition National Science Challenge.

Cawthron scientist Matt Miller says this work is part of a group of studies being conducted into the benefits of the New Zealand product.

'This first result is very exciting, but frankly, not surprising. It confirms what we have known for some time about New Zealand Greenshell mussels.

"But we have now proven you can shave a day off your recovery from a strenuous event which should have all elite athletes and weekend warriors as excited. This aligns with other clinical trials we have run with this mussel powder in different genders and ages.”

The published paper in Nutrients can be found here.

Further facts from and about the Greenshell mussel study:

• The study included 20 participants aged 21 to 45 years
• They either took 3g of PERNAULTRA Greenshell mussel powder per day or a placebo
• Participants consumed their allocated intervention for four weeks then completed a bench-stepping exercise that induced muscle damage to the eccentrically exercised leg.
• Muscle function, soreness and biomarkers of muscle damage, oxidative stress and inflammation were measured before exercise, immediately after exercise, and 24, 48 and 72 hours post exercise.
• Greenshell mussel powder promoted muscle function recovery, significantly improving (p • Participants on the Greenshell mussel powder treatment had faster dissipation of soreness, with significant treatment × time interactions for affective (p = 0.007) and Visual Analogue Scale-assessed pain (p = 0.018). At 72 h, plasma creatine kinase concentrations in the GSM group were lower (p • The powder used was Sanford's PERNAULTRA powder made with mussel meat from Greenshell mussels grown in the Marlborough Sounds and other Sanford mussel farms in New Zealand. It is available to consumers in New Zealand via the Two Island's brand and is also available as a nutraceutical ingredient via Sanford Bioactives (the marine extracts division of Sanford).
• Greenshell mussels are unique to New Zealand. Their scientific name is Perna canaliculus.
• The study was conducted as part of Musselling Up, a collaborative research project between Massey University, Cawthron Institute, Plant & Food Research, Sanford Limited and the High-Value Nutrition National Science
• Cawthron Institute is New Zealand's largest independent science organisation ‒ a leader in delivering world-class scientific research for a better future. Based in Nelson, our scientists have been identifying emerging areas of research to assist industry and society for over a century. Cawthron leads the Musseling Up program which aims to unlock the potential of Greenshell mussels in regards to health but also higher value export products.
• Plant & Food Research believes science can create a better future. With its partners, Plant & Food Research uses world-leading science to improve the way we grow, fish, harvest, prepare and share food. Every day, 1000 people work across New Zealand and the world to help deliver healthy food from the world's most sustainable systems.
• Massey University Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa, established in 1927, is a research-led New Zealand university with a reputation for excellence in innovation and the creation of new knowledge. With campuses in Auckland, Manawatū and Wellington, Massey caters to both domestic and international students and offers programmes at postgraduate, undergraduate, diploma and certificate level.
• Sanford Limited is New Zealand's largest and oldest seafood company, with involvement in fishing and aquaculture.

"Good science is essential to what we do. Not just to ensure we always fish and farm in a sustainable way, but also to help us get the most out of the beautiful seafood we catch or harvest. Our mussel powder production is an example of that," says Sanford Limited CEO Peter Reidie.


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