MPs petition over outlawed semi-automatic guns

Semi-automatic firearms such as these AR15 rifles were banned in New Zealand after the Christchurch terror attacks in 2019 (file picture). Photo: Supplied / New Zealand Police.

MPs have heard arguments both for and against allowing competitive shooters to use outlawed semi-automatic firearms.

The weapons were banned in a sweeping gun crackdown implemented six days after the March 15 terror attacks in 2019.

Five years on, politicians have now heard a petition asking lawmakers to allow competitive shooters to own these weapons again.

Petitioner Niru Wijesundara says New Zealanders have been competing on an unequal footing since the gun crackdown.

"They would never consider doing those horrendous acts because they're quite passionate about the sport and they would ensure the future generations would continue to have access to these weapons for strictly sport competition purposes."

Wairarapa man Phil Dunlop from Pistol New Zealand spoke about the cost and difficulty of shipping and using equipment he cannot practise with in his own country.

"I was invited to compete in a mini rifle match by the British team... and again we're restricted to 10 round magazines here where there's no restriction in the UK.

"I can buy magazines over there but my point is this is sort of a little draconian where countries with a reputation for strict gun control like the UK have more liberal laws than us."

The police opposed the petition - arguing it would introduce unacceptable risk.

Superintendent Richard Wilson says the proposed law change could give criminals, gangs and terrorists access to high-powered guns by either stealing them off unsuspecting licence holders or getting them from the "very few" corrupt licence holders.

"These would carry a really high street value and black market value, should they be able to make it that way. Internationally, there is a direct correlation between mass shootings and these types of firearms being available in ready circulation."

The police pointed out tragic cases involving high powered guns were not limited to March 15.

In 2017, Northland man Quinn Patterson murdered his property manager and her daughter with a semi-automatic gun, illegally supplied by a licensed firearm owner.

In 2020, constable Matthew Hunt was murdered with a semi-automatic weapon during a routine traffic stop in West Auckland.

Federation of Islamic Association president Abdur Razzaq says it's not worth the risk and there's no evidence New Zealand is performing worse in international events as a result of tougher gun laws.

"The risk just does not outweigh the gains and the gains are for one or two individuals. These are not national events."

The Council of Licensed Firearms Owners is not behind the petition but says the organisation does support it.

Council chair Michael Dowling argues the risk can be managed - as is currently being done with existing firearm holders.

Asked by Labour's Deborah Russell why anyone would want to shoot the likes of an AR15 - Dowling says the reasons vary.

"It could be nostalgia, it could be that they used that in services, in police or in Defence, and they want to continue with the training and the programmes they used to have for shooting competitively.

"For me, I'm interested in the history and the mechanisms."

MPs will now write a report which the Minister in Charge of Firearms - ACT's Nicole McKee - says she's looking forward to receiving.

It is likely the petition's proposed law changes will also be considered when the coalition government rewrites the Arms Act.

-Anneke Smith/RNZ.


Gun control

Posted on 16-02-2024 21:35 | By Gutty

The police are totally behind the 8 ball in saying that gangs will have access to these weapons. They already have them. The requirements that repudiable firearms owner have to abide by are very rigorize. With the proper controls this isn't a problem to be concerned about, it's just scare mongering by the control freaks.

Zero tolerance

Posted on 16-02-2024 22:38 | By SonnyJim

Tommyguniphobes need to be reigned in over their cordite loving hobby of rat-a-tat-tat guns. The machine gun image is not wanted in our country.

@ Gutty

Posted on 17-02-2024 13:04 | By Justin T.

Oh dear, you couldn't be more wrong if you tried. A gun dealer has just gone through the courts for this very thing, supplying to the thugs of society.

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