Starlink gazers in Tauranga will have two opportunities to view the satellite train tonight.
In a post on Facebook, Tauranga Astronomical Society president Dave Greg says the first one is Starlink G6-56 from 6:08pm.
"This is the most recent batch of satellites (launched this morning at 5:34am) so they will be very close together.
"It should be visible (best seen from the North Island and upper South Island) from around 6:09pm rising in the North West.
"It will be highest in the sky for most observers in the North East at 6:11pm. It will start disappearing into the shadow cast by the Earth from 6:13pm.
"The second one is Starlink G6-57, the same one we saw clearly last night. It will rise in the West from 6:50pm and will be highest from 6:53pm as it starts disappearing into the shadow of the Earth.
"Since this pass will be over the lower North Island, it should be visible to everyone in New Zealand. You might want to set reminder alarms for these passes so you don't forget!"

"Our next meeting at the observatory is on Tuesday, May 14, 7:30pm. "The Moon will be at an ideal phase for viewing the craters through our telescopes (weather permitting). Entry is $5 for adults, free entry for children and TAS members. See you there!"
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