Stepping stone contest for chamber musicians

(Left to right) Tutor Therese Ahlers and musicians: Heejae Choi, Lucy Coyle, Nicola Han, David Jiang and Ephraim Tie of the Bethlehem College Quintet. Photo: Brydie Thompson.

Bay of Plenty youth presented their talents at the NZCT Chamber Music Contest, making it difficult for the adjudicator to judge them.

Bay of Plenty District contest organiser Lynne Sperring says the winning team of the district contest was the Bethlehem College Quintet, who will go to Auckland on June 22 to play in the regional finals.

“It’s a national competition, and we are one of the few countries worldwide with a contest for secondary school students. The national secondary school contest is a really special thing.

NZCT Chamber Music Contest. Photo: Brydie Thompson. 

“Chamber music is usually unamplified, and each group has between three and eight players. Twelve groups were entered, and six secondary schools were represented.”

Lynne says some of the schools represented are Tauranga Boys’ College, Tauranga Girls’ College, John Paul College of Rotorua, Aquinas Catholic College Tauranga and Bethlehem College.

NZCT Chamber Music Contest. Photo: Brydie Thompson. 

“Each group is allocated 15 minutes; some of them fill it, and some don’t.

Lynne says this national competition involves a variety of well-respected adjudicators from across New Zealand.

The Bay of Plenty contest this year was adjudicated by Martin Riseley, a violinist from the New Zealand School of Music.

“He had a hard decision to make, there were three runner-up groups, as well as the winning group,” says Lynne.

“There was a very high standard of play.

NZCT Chamber Music Contest. Photo: Brydie Thompson. 

“The opportunity to perform and for the students to learn to work together is amazingly beneficial. Many of our top musicians in New Zealand have played in the chamber music contest themselves as young people.”

Lynne says this contest is like a stepping stone for young musicians.

“It’s one of the highlights of my year. It’s a fantastic day, a really positive day to be part of. The children are a great example of how wonderful our New Zealand youth are.”


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