Six figure salaries for Tauranga's new council

The Tauranga council at their swearing in; Marten Rozeboom, Kevin Schuler, Glen Crowther, Steve Morris, Mahé Drysdale, Jen Scoular, Rick Curach, Hautapu Baker, Rod Taylor. Absent: Mikaere Sydney. Photo / David Hall: SunLive.

Newly elected Tauranga councillors will earn six-figure salaries for their work.

Mayor Mahé Drysdale will earn $179,316 a year, deputy mayor Jen Scoular’s salary will be $155,381. The remaining eight councillors will earn $135,900 a year.

The council set their remuneration at the first Tauranga City Council meeting on Thursday.

The Remuneration Authority set the mayor’s salary at $179,316 and the pool for councillors at $1,242,581 which is divided among them. The entire pool must be spent.

Drysdale recommended the minimum salary for a councillor with no extra responsibilities be $110,000, with an extra $25,900 for councillors who were a chair or deputy chair of a committee.

There are seven committees and all of the councillors have a leadership role in at least one of them.

This meant all councillors would be paid $135,900.

Mayor Mahé Drysdale at the council's first meeting. Photo / Alisha Evans: SunLive.
Mayor Mahé Drysdale at the council's first meeting. Photo / Alisha Evans: SunLive.

Drysdale said he’d had discussions with councillors and as they were a team of 10 and everyone wanted to contribute, they were looking at a “fairly flat” remuneration structure.

The $25,900 extra for leadership roles on a committee was a fairer reflection of the additional workload, he said.

Arataki councillor Rick Curach raised concerns that Māori ward councillor Mikaere Sydney, who was granted a medical leave of absence at the meeting, would be paid $110,000 while on leave.

This was more than the minimum of $87,695 set by the Remuneration Authority.

There was the potential for a bit of discomfort from the public about the pay for a councillor “that’s not on the job,” said Curach.

Scoular said she didn’t believe it would be a cause for concern.

Welcome Bay councillor Hautapu Baker said he didn’t want Sydney’s pay to “fall negatively on him … considering he’s been unable to debate, discuss, agree or disagree with the entire process”.

Matua/ Ōtūmoetai councillor Glen Crowther asked if it was meant to be a flat pay structure, could the base salary for a councillor be $135,900, with additional responsibilities not attracting extra pay.

Council’s democracy and governance services manager Coral Hair said the pool can be allocated how the council liked.

The Remuneration Authority needed a description of extra responsibilities and why that deserved extra pay because it gave the final approval for the pay structure, she said.

Councillors Rick Curach, Glen Crowther, Hautapu Baker and Jen Scoular. Photo / Alisha Evans: SunLive.
Councillors Rick Curach, Glen Crowther, Hautapu Baker and Jen Scoular. Photo / Alisha Evans: SunLive.

Crowther put forward an amendment that a councillor’s base pay be $135,900 a year.

This was passed with eight in favour, Drysdale and Curach were against it.

It meant all councillors including Sydney would receive an annual salary of $135,900.

Sydney’s leave of absence is until December 31.

The council’s seven committees are Vision, Planning, Growth and Environment Committee; Project Planning and Monitoring Committee, Community, Transparency and Engagement Committee; Accountability, Performance and Finance Committee; Audit and Risk Committee, Tangata Whenua / Tauranga City Council Committee and the Wastewater Management Review Committee.

Drysdale said the committee structure would help the council realise the ambition of being the best city in Aotearoa.

“As a council, the whole elected member team will be responsible for providing effective and efficient governance of the city and enabling informed leadership, advocacy and facilitation on behalf of our community,” he said in a statement.

LDR is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air.



Posted on 16-08-2024 12:32 | By Alfa male

Oh boy, it is starting already, on the job only a month and already they are happily spending rate payers money on themselves. First order of business, how much money can we get for doing this.

Anyone know

Posted on 16-08-2024 12:38 | By Saul

Anyone know what the Council actually does other than over spend our money????

You're wrong Jen

Posted on 16-08-2024 12:44 | By Bruja

It IS very much a 'concern' IF we are to not know whether he knew he was unwell prior to election day. Whatever the facts of the matter are I personally wish him the speediest of recoveries BUT for him to be paid that amount of money for at least the next 4 months....and possibly longer, is not acceptable. It is OUR money after all and we have a right to either know all of the facts around Mikaere's unwellness or if it is to remain undisclosed then he should not be paid until such time as he takes up the role. Any other employee would have that happen, so Mayors and Councillors are only employees after all and should be treated as such.

Big salary for part-timers

Posted on 16-08-2024 12:55 | By anotherone2

That's a huge salary for part-timers, who have no real oversight or accountability for 3-years.

Pay equality

Posted on 16-08-2024 13:27 | By Otumoetai Resident

Makes sense the councillors all get paid the same. $135k per year is well above what most other people earn. In the last council the previous Mayor gave 5 councillors about $25k more a year to head up various committees and it seemed that those 5 people also supported him at all times of key decisions (voting block) which was a key cause for the split council and the so called dysfunction.


Posted on 16-08-2024 13:31 | By Wigan

Jen Scoular's comment that Mikaere Sydney receiving (approx) $45,000.00 in sick pay is not an area of concern, is a HUGE area of concern. I'm sorry that Mikaere is sick, but this is not about him personally.
What company in the world would give an employee 5 months sick leave on full pay after only 2 days in the job.
Good on ya council! Off to a great start making friends with the hard working/tax paying public


Posted on 16-08-2024 13:31 | By The Sage

Not exorbitant wages however you are wrong Jen Scoular, many people do have cause for concern that one of your team is being paid full pay without even having started. If that figure equates to $100,000 sick pay, then it surely is a big concern and maybe a case there for it to be refunded. What you need to ask yourself is, if you owned a business and someone couldn’t start for six months, due to ill health, would you pay them full wages during that time? I think not.

Ratepayers money paying for not on the job

Posted on 16-08-2024 14:02 | By Nzabigail

Needs to have ratepayer vote on this amount of money. $110,00 medical leave of absence for who has not started the job? He should decline and they adjust his contract to have new start date in 2025. Ratepayers' money is not for someone not fulfilling obligations. I disagree that he should be paid. If he ends up having to resign due before even starting, would he have to repay the ratepayers money? Getting $110,000 for doing exactly what? Not a good look for use of ratepayers money.

Extra income for Chairs

Posted on 16-08-2024 14:20 | By Murray.Guy

Council’s democracy and governance services manager Coral Hair said the pool can be allocated how the council liked. The Remuneration Authority needed a description of extra responsibilities and why that deserved extra pay because it gave the final approval for the pay structure, she said.
Council would struggle to validate the extra as proposed by Mayor Mahe, likely forced to embellish a tad. A committee chair is NOT a leadership role and does NOT incur any additional workload of significance.
The Chairperson can be likened to the referee of a game - END. the chair does get to see the draft agenda of the committee before the balance of EMs, can influence the content. the Deputy rarely chairs a meeting.


Posted on 16-08-2024 14:34 | By Let's get real

I don't have a problem with paying people what they're worth, in fact if it would attract better qualified candidates I would agree with a higher salary.
However, I absolutely DON'T agree with paying people for four or five months, having done nothing to contribute to a business and having spent no time at all doing the job. Highly paid leave BEFORE you start a job... Never heard of it before and don't want to hear about it starting here.
Nice to see the noses going as far into the trough as possible and ignoring the need to take responsibility for an area of business.
Those that don't respect the need to reward effort and additional responsibilities are already showing their colours and the gravy train rolls on without public consultation.

Not a good start

Posted on 16-08-2024 15:37 | By Nzabigail

Does paying sick leave to someone who has not officially started the job, a cool $110,000 till he is able to start in 2025. Does this signal how the signal how the new councillors are going to burn through rate payers' money with these sorts of decisions? With money tight, how can they justify this amount of money being paid. I hope he graciously declines this unearned money.


Posted on 16-08-2024 16:30 | By morepork

Sorry, I had to laugh at this, even though they seem to have sorted it out quite fairly. It just amuses me that the FIRST thing they think about is their own remuneration.
I know, they HAVE to get it sorted, but it still seems cynical to me.
I wonder how many of them see TCC as a career path? That's NOT why ANY OF THEM were elected.
I'm glad the actual pool is NOT decided by them.
It's like someone baked them a delicious pie and, rather than let it cool a little while sparing a thought for all the community who are never going to see such a pie, they immediately debate how it should be carved up and distributed.
Wouldn't it have been reassuring if their FIRST action had contributed something to the Community?
THEN they could look at the pie...

NO Remuneration on a 'leave of absence'.

Posted on 16-08-2024 20:07 | By Murray.Guy

I am concerned that the City Council CEO and senior staff may have provided elected members with incorrect or not all relevant information on which to make their decision in regards payment to Mikaere Sydney. Likewise concerned that the Elected Members may have chosen NOT to carry out their own due diligence.

I quote the Remuneration Authority, "The leave of absence without pay can be granted by a local authority by way of a resolution ... the payment of remuneration, allowances MUST cease."

Do your own 'due diligence':

Hello councillors,

Posted on 17-08-2024 10:39 | By earlybird

If I get sick can I please have a rate refund. Thank you.

Here’s a thought Jen

Posted on 17-08-2024 13:46 | By The Sage

Why doesn’t your team of 10 all take a 10% pay cut to cover sick pay paid? Would it be an area of concern for you then? All this aside, it is not good that a newly elected Council’s first move is to increase their own remuneration. It certainly does not give me confidence in my choices.
You are setting a precedence. The Council needs to be run like a private business and the sooner you realise this the better. I am not holding my breath on that one.

@Murray Guy

Posted on 17-08-2024 14:08 | By morepork

Thanks for pointing this out, Murray. I hope he gets better soon; his absence isn't helping the case for Maori Wards.

The Master

Posted on 17-08-2024 15:32 | By Ian Stevenson

@ Alfa male

You may well be understating it a little.... when you say "...already they are happily spending rate payers money on themselves..."

The money is already spent, it was just a case of dividing up the spoils... nothing to do with ability, results, competence etc... just about how much!

Salary versus Rates

Posted on 17-08-2024 17:31 | By carpedeum

Another dreadful rates rise for us all again 😡Suggest all the New Councillors take a 10% reduction in their salaries and Council staff take a5% reduction and at least “attempt” to reduce all our rates in this difficult economic time ……as a gesture of goodwill 🤔👍❤️‍🩹

@ Murray and morepork

Posted on 17-08-2024 19:01 | By groutby

....agreed and very clear....we do wish Mr Sydney a speedy recovery and wish him well and able to take his place, but as stated in the remuneration authority 'leave of absence' appears to be unpaid and with the agreement with the (in this case) council involved, it is 'nice' to have pay approved but should be perhaps funded within the group of councillors supporting this move....who will be the first?....
Indeed not a good start for the newly elected council....when does the 'big money' start to be freely taken?

And so it begins

Posted on 17-08-2024 19:48 | By Informed

And so the misplaced abuse has started already.
The same people that abused commissions and demanded councillors back, are now abusing those new councillors for what? Elected councillors salary is set by central government, not by council?
Why would anyone run for office in Tauranga, when the same old people will just abuse you for every single thing that happens.


Posted on 17-08-2024 21:16 | By The Caveman

NO PAY !!!

Feels like a kinghit to ratepayers

Posted on 17-08-2024 21:59 | By nerak

Sorry to hear Mr Sydney is unwell, and hope he recovers soon. Is he comfortable the ratepayers are supporting him to the extent we are? That is indeed a handsome sum. For myself, I would be very uncomfortable receiving that amount for doing nothing, particularly when it is ratepayers' money. And our new Council has now made what I consider a massive mis-step, and am left wondering how many more mistakes they will make. Egg on face or not, if what Murray Guy has said is correct, Council needs to do a u turn, NOW. Already pointed out is Council should be run like a business, how many businesses would fund a staffer to this extent? Quite bluntly, the ratepayers cannot afford this. Councillors, put your hands in your own pockets, starting with Jen Scoular who thinks there is no concern.


Posted on 18-08-2024 11:32 | By Let's get real

I can't believe that I am agreeing with you.... BUT, only in regards to the salary settings.
Were you to read most of the comments, the bulk of the outrage is levelled at the decision to pay someone to not attend to the responsibilities for which they were elected.
It's extremely unfortunate that illness is the cause of this outrageous action, but the facts are, that an individual was elected by ratepayers to represent them in council offices and that may not happen until next year.
How can anyone not get extremely upset about the very first actions of a newly elected council. The amount of money is irrelevant in this case, it's just another case of irresponsible financial management.

Oh dear

Posted on 18-08-2024 11:58 | By peanuts9

It appears we now have the "democracy" so many, including most of these posters, screamed for but now they don't want to pay for it.
Salaries are not set by those elected but by the Higher Renumeration Authority. In 2020, when the council was disbanded, the base salary bill was $1,000,000+. Of course, 4 years later, it is higher.
If you don't pay decent salaries, you don't get the right people. It seems Tauranga's residents, after decades of debacles, are slow to learn that.

@Lets get real

Posted on 19-08-2024 11:32 | By Informed

Maybe 50% are disappointed that someone sick is getting paid (you know like in a normal salary role). But the other 50% are just taking shots at the levels of salary.


Posted on 19-08-2024 12:11 | By Yadick

The remuneration to each elected member is fine. It has been fairly set and divided up. No, IMP, there is nothing at all wrong with this being one of the first up on the agenda. None of us would consider taking on a job without knowing our pay. They would have known approximations but it had to be finalized, if for no other reason, so they could be payed.
As far as not working and being paid in full, I think 'The Caveman' puts it best - NO WORK, NO PAY.


Posted on 19-08-2024 13:37 | By Let's get real

Have you taken up a new job lately..? Every new employment position that I have taken in the last ten years or so, has required at least six months of employment BEFORE you are entitled to paid sick leave. It is quite normal for contracts to require "bums-on-seats" before any employment benefits are active.
There must also be a provision for deduction of salary for not attending meetings (a very basic requirement for this position) without good reason. The employers (ratepayers) must be able to expect a degree of respect for the position that they have been elected into from the council employees and councillors alike. Just because there isn't a business owner checking on productivity, that is no excuse for just "phoning it in".

Clarity for Let's get real and others

Posted on 20-08-2024 22:50 | By Murray.Guy

A Mayor, a councillor, is NOT an employee of Council, is NOT a member of a 'team of 10', does NOT represent the Council (except as authorized on occasion}.
A Mayor, a councillor in an individual elected by the community to present them, to advocate on their behalf, to apply their best endeavors to secure the very best of outcomes for the (Tauranga) community.
The elected members are like anyone in the private sector, say a consultant, chosen to carry out specific services for a fixed term. Might be your lawn mowing contractor. There is NO holiday pay, sick pay or associated allowances.

The Remuneration Authority states (quote ), "The payment of remuneration, allowances, and the reimbursement of expenses to a local government member (including mayor or regional council chair) MUST CEASE during the whole period for which formal leave of absence is granted." No discretion.

Transparency and Governance

Posted on 21-08-2024 07:30 | By Naysay

Where in the world do you win an employment contact then go on sick leave for 6 months , honestly all this experience with boards and high profile companies. Can we see your contracts please ? What else do we need to know?

Yet again

Posted on 22-08-2024 11:40 | By crazyhorse

Voter apathy reigns.
A law unto themselves.
They couldn't care less about rate payers.
You've got what you couldn't be bothered voting for!

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