Experience the Brazilian vibe

Daiana Price, Paula Garcez, Michelli Russi, Gabrielle Krieger, Pietra Grijo, Juliana Costa, with Juliana Carvalho in front, want everyone to come along to the Brazilian Fair on September 15. Photo: Bob Tulloch.

A vibrant celebration of everything Brazil is happening in Pāpāmoa this month to bring the unique culture to the community.

Event organiser Daiana Price says the Brazilian Fair on Sunday, September 15 from 9am-2pm at the Pāpāmoa Recreation Centre will offer stalls selling traditional foods, authentic clothing, jewellery, accessories, arts and crafts and much more!

“The focus is on showcasing the Brazilian community within the Bay of Plenty, and giving people a taste of the colourful Brazilian culture.”

Daiana says every business selling food, clothing, candles, hammocks, jewellery - the list goes on - at the fair is from the Brazilian community here in the BoP.

“We invite everyone to come and try the food, enjoy the entertainment, and purchase items for sale.”

The free community event is held quarterly - the idea was sparked from conversations among friends who frequently received questions about their distinct food, clothing, and accessories.

With the September 15 the third fair, Daiana says the event is getting better and better. Musicians, kids’ games and more activities are added each time.

“The good thing about the venue is there’s a playground right next to it.” Daiana says this gives parents a chance to eat and relax while their children play. “Plus, there’ll be lots of kids’ entertainment, including face-painting and outdoor activities.”

Music is also a big part of the experience, with a mix of Brazilian and English songs playing. “We have musicians, and we encourage the community to dance and sing along.”

With a large variety of Brazilian foods - including traditional pastries, cakes and sweets - food trucks with other cuisines make it enticing to all palates, “but all [stalls] are owned by Brazilians”.

The Brazilian Fair is to take place from 9am-2pm on Sunday, September 15 at the Pāpāmoa Recreation Centre. “Everyone is welcome,” says Daiana. “It’s a great day out for families and friends to experience the Brazilian vibe, taste a bit of the food, socialise; and because it’s free, it’s an affordable outing.”

- SunLive


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