Candidates confirmed for 2024 TECT election

Independent Returning Officer Warwick Lampp. Photo: Bevan Conley.


Candidates for the 2024 TECT Trustee Elections have been confirmed.

Nominations for the 2024 trustee election for the TECT Community Trust closed at 12 noon, Wednesday September 4.  

Independent Returning Officer, Warwick Lampp, says that this year there has again been strong interest in the election with nine candidates nominated for the three positions available on the Trust. 

This compares to 12 in 2022, 13 in 2020, 19 in 2018, and 11 candidates in 2016.

Current trustees Bill Holland and Peter Farmer have chosen not to stand, Rachael Gemming is re-standing.

An election is therefore required and will be conducted by online voting only (no postal voting) using the First Past the Post (FPP) election method.  

Letters containing instructions for online voting will be posted to all eligible electors from Wednesday 2 October 2024.  

Candidate names will be listed in random order on the online voting site.

The following nine nominations were received for the 3 vacancies on the Trust: The confirmed candidates for the 2024 election are:

BRASH                         Don

BROWNLESS               Greg

GAVEIKA                      Laura

GEMMING                    Rachael

IRVING                         Mark

NELSON                       Maaka


SCHULER                     Michelle

SEYMOUR                    Carole

To learn more about TECT and the election of trustees, visit

Online Voting will close at 12 noon on Wednesday, October 30.

Any election enquiries are to be directed to the Independent Returning Officer on the election helpline 0800 666 029 or email

1 comment

The Master

Posted on 07-09-2024 17:49 | By Ian Stevenson

I guess those elected will merely oversee the planned exit of the consumers from the trust fund. Not sure how that was really managed without full distribution and accountability to all consumers/beneficiaries of what is actually their monies.

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