Should schools have closed on Friday?

The question is being asked - should school have closed on the day after Waitangi Day?

Dozens of schools gave their students and some teachers a four-day weekend, choosing not to come back to class on Friday after the Waitangi Day holiday.

That is despite Associate Education Minister David Seymour demanding better attendance and calling for teacher only days in term to stop.

Auckland Grammar gave its staff and students the day off and principal Tim O'Connor told Checkpoint it made good sense.

"We have boarders on campus as well so just a good opportunity for families."

He was sure attendance would have dropped on Friday if students were required to go to school but also knew families would have tried hard to get their kids there - "because they know we'd hunt them down if they didn't".

O'Connor said the school starts a week before Auckland Anniversary weekend so it could get ahead and get its teaching days in early.

"I also think that having long summer holidays don't help for retention and knowledge."

The school did its calendar a year in advance and took the day after Waitangi Day as a genuine holiday day, not a teacher-only day.

He wasn't in support of schools taking teacher-only days on Friday and thought it was "fudging the system".

"I just wouldn't do that."

He told students they needed to complete their homework before the long weekend and return ready to learn.

"Work hard, play hard," he said.

Schools closing completely Friday include Auckland's Western Springs College, Northcote College, and Browns Bay School. Napier Girls' High School and Hurunui College, near Christchurch.

Plenty were also having a teacher-only day, among them Northland's Ruawai Primary, Mangawhai Beach School and Rotorua's Glenholme School.

Clearing up teacher-only days

The Ministry of Education offered some clarity over teacher-only days.

It said that for the 2025 school year, school boards can close their school for four half days for curriculum related purposes.

These half days don't need to be made up, so long as six weeks' notice is given to whānau.

In addition, boards can close their school for another four half days per year - these can be used at the board's discretion and they don't need permission to close

These half days need to be made up, either at the start or end of the year.


1 comment

kids need to learn not have days off.

Posted on 10-02-2025 09:50 | By Opinion100

our kids are not being taught as well as they could be,

this is a pure excuse for teachers to have yet another day off. the amount of days off kids have is already crazy and you want to give them more.

these teachers want to have better pay etc.. but are not willing to do the work.

just teach the kids, get them off laptops and tablets and back into books, be present as a teacher not on your phone. ask them if they are struggling with anything and help them to get a better understanding of these things.

stop employing people in these positions who are just looking to be paid, find the ones with a passion for teaching our kids.

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