Kids – ready, steady, bake!

Kiwi Kids Bake-Off organiser Heather Kalisch bakes at home with her kids, James Kalisch, 3, and Rebecca Kalisch, 5. Photo / Brydie Thompson

Expect plenty of flour-covered countertops, chocolate-covered faces, and sweet smells in kitchens around Tauranga with the first-ever Kiwi Kids Bake-Off under way.

Organiser Heather Kalisch, who is running the bake-off as part of 2025’s Flavours of Plenty Festival, said it was “a super exciting event to try to get more kids in the kitchen”.

“Some of my earliest memories of baking are spending time with my dad. As a teacher, I love the educational benefits of baking like maths, reading, problem-solving and following instructions but also it’s about making childhood memories.”

Kids aged between 7 and 13 are invited to submit a photo of a cake or cupcakes they have made and decorated at home to

Friends and family can then vote on entries on Bake With Me’s Facebook page. The top 10 will join the finale, where they will recreate their entry, baking live in the Toi Ohomai kitchen, on April 13 during Flavours of Plenty.

“Even though the format of this event is a competition, the main thing is having a go in the kitchen and having fun for children from all backgrounds with all skill levels,” Kalisch said.

Not only will the finalists win membership to an online baking club, but there are also more than $500 worth of prizes up for grabs thanks to support from businesses. Entries will be judged on looks, taste and how well they meet the Flavours of Plenty theme which is “my edible story”.

“It’s very much open to interpretation,” Kalisch said. “It could be something special like their favourite toy, game or pastime or even a made-up story. I want the kids to express themselves through baking.”

For more information, go to



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