Operation Cobalt: 50,000 charges laid

Photo: File/SunLive.

Operation Cobalt is reaching a milestone of 50,000 charges laid against gang members and associates, just over a year after it was launched.

"In the process, Police have removed more than 500 firearms out of the wrong hands as part of ongoing disruption of unlawful activity," says a police spokesperson.

"Alongside enforcement, there continues to be a focus on prevention opportunities through various initiatives and inter-agency collaboration to reduce harm and address wider issues surrounding organised crime in communities."

Detective Superintendent Uraia Vakaruru, the National Controller for Operation Cobalt, says Police have continued to keep pressure on gangs, reinforcing that unlawful behaviour is not acceptable.

“Any violence or other unlawful gang activity has no place in our communities, and we have no tolerance for the harm that this inflicts on the public.

“Police have run large and visible operations keeping the movements and actions of gang members in check.

"We have deployed staff across the country and also had checkpoints in operation.

"We have used disruption and targeting tactics with search warrants, arrests and seizures being made.”

The results speak for themselves, says the police spokesperson.

"Since the end of August, 50,396 charges have been laid against gang members and associates for a offences which include violence, dishonesty, drugs and firearms offending.

"Police have seized 501 firearms and issued 64,524 Infringement Offence Notices."

“We have seen results from right around the country since Operation Cobalt began,” says Detective Superintendent Vakaruru.

“Whether that has been arrests and vehicles seized in the Far North, firearms seized in central Auckland suburbs, or gang members arrested moving through the South Island; Police have continued to target illegal behaviour being employed by gangs.”

"The milestone is also testament to the work of dedicated Operation Cobalt staff targeting serious offending, as well as work being carried out every day by staff in a range of workgroups," says the police spokesperson.

“Alongside Operation Cobalt, each policing district run their own operations and these fall within the priorities as part of our national unlawful gang activity focus,” says Detective Superintendent Vakaruru.

“I acknowledge the various teams that have had a part of play with this result, for their tenacity and professionalism in getting the job done.

“Police are continuously improving our processes and we continue to see enhanced information and intelligence sharing right across the country which assists with enforcement opportunities.”

Operation Cobalt by the numbers as of August 31, 2023:

• Search warrants – 1,369 • Warrantless searches – 781 • Charges laid – 50,396 • Infringements – 64,524 • Firearms seized – 501

1 comment

Charges Laid but ....

Posted on 06-09-2023 18:24 | By Equality

It is all very well laying charges - that is the easy part! We would like to know the results of those charges. Probably most still waiting to be heard in court - how many resulted in jail sentences and how many are out amongst us wearing their 'ankle' bracelets??

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