Tournament supports Blue September cancer fund

 Major winners of September's monthly meat pack tournament Paul Morgan (Stableford), Ray Fisher (Nett) and Rhys Cooper (Gross). Photo: Rodger Bagshaw.

Waihi Golf Club has got behind a worthy cause this month, said club member Rodger Bagshaw in his weekly report on club activities.

The September Monthly Mixed Meat Pack Tournament was run in conjunction with fund raising for the Blue September Prostate Cancer Foundation.

With a good raffle, and a bucket donation passed round prior to prize giving, in excess of $500 was raised.

The tournament was held on a good fine spring day, with an excellently groomed course. There were 87 players, which included visitors from 10 other clubs, contesting for the fine array of meat prizes

The major winners of the tournament were:

For the Gross it was our new greenkeeper Rhys Cooper with a gross 72 on a countback, while the Nett was won in a surprise with Ray Fisher taking it out with a Nett 70, also on countback.

Paul Morgan won the Stableford with 39 points. The remainder of prizes were based on Stableford scores, and I Division One, David P. Campbell had the best score with 37 points, with Don Mackay next with 36, then Michelle Libby on 34.

Then with all on 33 points were Terry Gerbich, Barry Laurence (Tahuna), and Andy Roche.

In Division Two it was Damian Dunlop with 38 points that was best, followed by Pat Gleeson (Tahuna), Francis Gascoigne, and Rodger Bagshaw, all with 36, then Jill Morrison with 34 points, and Jeff Bowers (Te Puke) on 34.  


The vets completed the third and final round of their Par Competition this week.

The winner of the overall three rounds was Eddie Ruha who completed the 3 rounds on +1, while Stephen Bailey was second on -3.

The weekly haggle was a par competition, and Rob Morrison dragged himself around to finish on +2 to take top spot from John Saunders and Bill Tiffin, both with +1.

Next was Stephen Bailey on square, with Gary Choat and Neil Walker both on -1, while on -2, were Eddie Ruha, Earle White, David Lockington, Bruce Rutter, and Ken Purcell.


In this week’s mixed Stableford haggle, the star of the morning was Lynda Thomson with a score of 20 points, while second was Michelle Bonnici with 18.

Next were Peter Rae and Rex Smith with 17, then Nicola Pooley and Tina Berg with 16 points.


The ladies played a nett medal haggle this week, and at the top of the field this week was the mighty Viv Lilley with a good round of 69. Next on 72 was Robyn Kirby, then Edna Connolly with 73, while on 75 were Jenny Tubman and Jill Morrison.

The keenly sought Hidden Holes had to be shared between Viv Lilley, Robyn Kirby, and Edna Connolly, who all had 10 points.


Apart from a strong westerly wind, conditions were most pleasant for the day’s golf.

The winner of the nett haggle was Susan Mustard with 70 nett, with Jenny Tubman and Karen Roche next with both on 74. Jane Wordley had 75, while Sharon Deacon, Niria Gerbich, and Jackie Robson all had nett 77’s.

Jenny Tubman and Michelle Libby both scored twos, and the Hidden Holes was won by Kaylene Croker with 9 points.


The Morning Haggle was won by the improving John Giffney with 37 points, with Ken Mustard second with 35 points.

All on 34 points were Rob Page, Jimmy Powell, and Peter Wright, then Richard Taitoko with 33. On 32 points were Francis Gascoigne and Des Crene.

The Afternoon Haggle was won by Andrew Keenan with 38 points, followed by Chris Pilmer on 37, then Kevin Mcloughlin with 36 points.

They were followed by Alister Cochrane and John Burns with both having 34 points. All on 32 points were Malcolm Coldicutt, Mike Rose, Dwayne O’Flaherty, Paul Williams, and finally Kevin Stewart. The only two was scored by Rhys Cooper on hole 8.

There are still a few vacancies for entries to the Waihi Triple Pairs Tournament to be held on October 12 and 13 - a fun weekend playing three different forms of pairs competitions.

Entry forms and information available on or phoning the Waihi Golf Club on 07 863 8678.

Rodger Bagshaw 


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